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Google Maps Markerlabel This.draw Is Not a Function

Source: wp-google-maps.combined.js

                              // js/v8/core.js /**  * @module WPGMZA  * @summary This is the core Javascript module. Some code exists in ../core.js, the functionality there will slowly be handed over to this module.  */ (function($) { 	var core = { 		maps: [], 		events: null, 		settings: null, 		 		loadingHTML: '<div class="wpgmza-preloader"><div class="wpgmza-loader">...</div></div>', 		 		/** 		 * @function guid 		 * @summary Utility function returns a GUID 		 * @static 		 * @return {string} The GUID 		 */ 		guid: function() { // Public Domain/MIT 		  var d = new Date().getTime(); 			if (typeof performance !== 'undefined' && typeof === 'function'){ 				d +=; //use high-precision timer if available 			} 			return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) { 				var r = (d + Math.random() * 16) % 16 | 0; 				d = Math.floor(d / 16); 				return (c === 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8)).toString(16); 			}); 		}, 		 		/** 		 * @function hexOpacityToRGBA 		 * @summary Takes a hex string and opacity value and converts it to Openlayers RGBA format 		 * @param {string} colour The hex color string 		 * @param {number} opacity The opacity from 0.0 - 1.0 		 * @static 		 * @return {array} RGBA where color components are 0 - 255 and opacity is 0.0 - 1.0 		 */ 		hexOpacityToRGBA: function(colour, opacity) 		{ 			hex = parseInt(colour.replace(/^#/, ""), 16); 			return [ 				(hex & 0xFF0000) >> 16, 				(hex & 0xFF00) >> 8, 				hex & 0xFF, 				parseFloat(opacity) 			]; 		}, 		 		latLngRegexp: /^(\-?\d+(\.\d+)?),\s*(\-?\d+(\.\d+)?)$/, 		 		/** 		 * @function isLatLngString 		 * @summary Utility function returns true is string is a latitude and longitude 		 * @param str {string} The string to attempt to parse as coordinates 		 * @static 		 * @return {array} the matched latitude and longitude or null if no match 		 */ 		isLatLngString: function(str) 		{ 			if(typeof str != "string") 				return null; 			 			// Remove outer brackets 			if(str.match(/^\(.+\)$/)) 				str = str.replace(/^\(|\)$/, ""); 			 			var m = str.match(WPGMZA.latLngRegexp); 			 			if(!m) 				return null; 			 			return { 				lat: parseFloat(m[1]), 				lng: parseFloat(m[3]) 			}; 		}, 		 		/** 		 * @function stringToLatLng 		 * @summary Utility function returns a latLng literal given a valid latLng string 		 * @param str {string} The string to attempt to parse as coordinates 		 * @static 		 * @return {object} LatLng literal 		 */ 		stringToLatLng: function(str) 		{ 			var result = WPGMZA.isLatLngString(str); 			 			if(!result) 				throw new Error("Not a valid latLng"); 			 			return result; 		}, 		 		/** 		 * @function getImageDimensions 		 * @summary Utility function to get the dimensions of an image, caches results for best performance 		 * @param src {string} Image source URL 		 * @param callback {function} Callback to recieve image dimensions 		 * @static 		 * @return {void} 		 */ 		imageDimensionsCache: {}, 		getImageDimensions: function(src, callback) 		{ 			if(WPGMZA.imageDimensionsCache[src]) 			{ 				callback(WPGMZA.imageDimensionsCache[src]); 				return; 			} 			 			var img = document.createElement("img"); 			img.onload = function(event) { 				var result = { 					width: image.width, 					height: image.height 				}; 				WPGMZA.imageDimensionsCache[src] = result; 				callback(result); 			}; 			img.src = src; 		}, 		 		/** 		 * @function isDeveloperMode 		 * @summary Returns true if developer mode is set 		 * @static  		 * @return {boolean} True if developer mode is on 		 */ 		isDeveloperMode: function() 		{ 			return this.developer_mode || (window.Cookies && window.Cookies.get("wpgmza-developer-mode")); 		}, 		 		/** 		 * @function isProVersion 		 * @summary Returns true if the Pro add-on is active 		 * @static 		 * @return {boolean} True if the Pro add-on is active 		 */ 		isProVersion: function() 		{ 			return (this._isProVersion == "1"); 		}, 		 		/** 		 * @function openMediaDialog 		 * @summary Opens the WP media dialog and returns the result to a callback 		 * @param {function} callback Callback to recieve the attachment ID as the first parameter and URL as the second 		 * @static 		 * @return {void} 		 */ 		openMediaDialog: function(callback) { 			// Media upload 			var file_frame; 			 			// If the media frame already exists, reopen it. 			if ( file_frame ) { 				// Set the post ID to what we want 				file_frame.uploader.uploader.param( 'post_id', set_to_post_id ); 				// Open frame; 				return; 			} 			 			// Create the media frame. 			file_frame = ={ 				title: 'Select a image to upload', 				button: { 					text: 'Use this image', 				}, 				multiple: false	// Set to true to allow multiple files to be selected 			}); 			 			// When an image is selected, run a callback. 			file_frame.on( 'select', function() { 				// We set multiple to false so only get one image from the uploader 				attachment = file_frame.state().get('selection').first().toJSON(); 				 				callback(, attachment.url); 			}); 			 			// Finally, open the modal; 		}, 		 		/** 		 * @function getCurrentPosition 		 * @summary This function will get the users position, it first attempts to get 		 * high accuracy position (mobile with GPS sensors etc.), if that fails 		 * (desktops will time out) then it tries again without high accuracy 		 * enabled 		 * @static 		 * @return {object} The users position as a LatLng literal 		 */ 		getCurrentPosition: function(callback) 		{ 			if(!navigator.geolocation) 			{ 				console.warn("No geolocation available on this device"); 				return; 			} 			 			var options = { 				enableHighAccuracy: true 			}; 			 			navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) { 				callback(position); 			}, 			function(error) { 				 				options.enableHighAccuracy = false; 				 				navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) { 					callback(position); 				}, 				function(error) { 					console.warn(error.code, error.message); 				}, 				options); 				 			}, 			options); 		}, 		 		/** 		 * @function runCatchableTask 		 * @summary Runs a catchable task and displays a friendly error if the function throws an error 		 * @param {function} callback The function to run 		 * @param {HTMLElement} friendlyErrorContainer The container element to hold the error 		 * @static 		 * @return {void} 		 */ 		runCatchableTask: function(callback, friendlyErrorContainer) { 			 			if(WPGMZA.isDeveloperMode()) 				callback(); 			else 				try{ 					callback(); 				}catch(e) { 					var friendlyError = new WPGMZA.FriendlyError(e); 					$(friendlyErrorContainer).html(""); 					$(friendlyErrorContainer).append(friendlyError.element); 					$(friendlyErrorContainer).show(); 				} 		}, 		 		/** 		 * @function assertInstanceOf 		 * @summary 		 * This function is for checking inheritence has been setup correctly. 		 * For objects that have engine and Pro specific classes, it will automatically 		 * add the engine and pro prefix to the supplied string and if such an object 		 * exists it will test against that name rather than the un-prefix argument 		 * supplied. 		 * 		 * For example, if we are running the Pro addon with Google maps as the engine, 		 * if you supply Marker as the instance name the function will check to see 		 * if instance is an instance of GoogleProMarker 		 * @param {object} instance The object to check 		 * @param {string} instanceName The class name as a string which this object should be an instance of 		 * @static 		 * @return {void} 		 */ 		assertInstanceOf: function(instance, instanceName) { 			var engine, fullInstanceName, assert; 			var pro = WPGMZA.isProVersion() ? "Pro" : ""; 			 			switch(WPGMZA.settings.engine) 			{ 				case "google-maps": 					engine = "Google"; 					break; 				 				default: 					engine = "OL"; 					break; 			} 			 			if(WPGMZA[engine + pro + instanceName]) 				fullInstanceName = engine + pro + instanceName; 			else if(WPGMZA[pro + instanceName]) 				fullInstanceName = pro + instanceName; 			else if(WPGMZA[engine + instanceName]) 				fullInstanceName = engine + instanceName; 			else 				fullInstanceName = instanceName; 			 			assert = instance instanceof WPGMZA[fullInstanceName]; 			 			if(!assert) 				throw new Error("Object must be an instance of " + fullInstanceName + " (did you call a constructor directly, rather than createInstance?)"); 		}, 		 		/** 		 * @function getMapByID 		 * @param {mixed} id The ID of the map to retrieve 		 * @static 		 * @return {object} The map object, or null if no such map exists 		 */ 		getMapByID: function(id) { 			for(var i = 0; i < WPGMZA.maps.length; i++) { 				if(WPGMZA.maps[i].id == id) 					return WPGMZA.maps[i]; 			} 			 			return null; 		}, 		 		/** 		 * @function isGoogleAutocompleteSupported 		 * @summary Shorthand function to determine if the Places Autocomplete is available 		 * @static 		 * @return {boolean} 		 */ 		isGoogleAutocompleteSupported: function() { 			return typeof google === 'object' && typeof google.maps === 'object' && typeof google.maps.places === 'object' && typeof google.maps.places.Autocomplete === 'function'; 		} 	}; 	 	if(window.WPGMZA) 		window.WPGMZA = $.extend(window.WPGMZA, core); 	else 		window.WPGMZA = core; 	 	for(var key in WPGMZA_localized_data) 	{ 		var value = WPGMZA_localized_data[key]; 		WPGMZA[key] = value; 	} 	 	/*for(var key in WPGMZA_localized_data) 		WPGMZA[key] = WPGMZA_localized_data[key];  	$(document).ready(function(event) { 		// Datatables to throw errors 		if($.fn.dataTable) 			$.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode = 'throw'; 		 		// Combined script warning 		if($("script[src*='wp-google-maps.combined.js'], script[src*='wp-google-maps-pro.combined.js']").length) 			console.warn("Minified script is out of date, using combined script instead."); 		 		// Check for multiple jQuery versions 		var elements = $("script").filter(function() { 			return this.src.match(/(^|\/)jquery\.(min\.)?js(\?|$)/i); 		});  		if(elements.length > 1) 			console.warn("Multiple jQuery versions detected: ", elements); 	 		// Disable map edit page preloader in developer more 		if(WPGMZA.isDeveloperMode()) 			$("#wpgmza-map-edit-page form.wpgmza").show(); 	 		// Shortcode boxes 		$(".wpgmza_copy_shortcode").on("click", function() { 			var temp = $("<input>"); 			var temp2 = $('<div id="wpgmza_tmp" style="display: none;" width:100%; text-align:center;"/>'); 			$(document.body).append(temp); 			temp.val($(this).val()).select(); 			document.execCommand("copy"); 			temp.remove(); 			$(this).after(temp2); 			$(temp2).html( 				$("[data-shortcode-copy-string]").attr("data-shortcode-copy-string") 			); 			$(temp2).fadeIn(); 			setTimeout(function() { 				$(temp2).fadeOut(); 			}, 1000); 			setTimeout(function() { 				$(temp2).remove(); 			}, 1500); 		}); 		 		// Fancy switches 		// $("form.wpgmza .cmn-toggle").each(function(index, el) { 		// 	 		// 	$(el).wrap("<div class='switch'/>"); 		// 	$(el).after("<label for=""/>") 		// 	 		// }); 		 		$("form.wpgmza").on("click", ".switch label", function(event) { 			var input = $(this).prev(".cmn-toggle"); 			 			if(input.prop("disabled")) 				return; 			 			var val = !input.prop("checked"); 			 			input.prop("checked", val); 			 			if(val) 				input.attr("checked", "checked"); 			else 				input.removeAttr("checked"); 			 			input.trigger("change"); 		}); 		 		// Geolocation warnings 		if(window.location.protocol != 'https:') 		{ 			var warning = '<span class="notice notice-warning">' + WPGMZA.localized_strings.unsecure_geolocation + "</span>"; 			 			$(".wpgmza-geolocation-setting").after( 				$(warning) 			); 		} 		 		// Switch off thanks for feedback message 		document.cookie = "wpgmza_feedback_thanks=false; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;"; 	});*/ })(jQuery);  // js/v8/distance.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module Distance  * @requires WPGMZA  */ (function($) { 	 	WPGMZA.Distance = { 		 		MILES:					true, 		KILOMETERS:				false, 		 		MILES_PER_KILOMETER:	0.621371, 		KILOMETERS_PER_MILE:	1.60934, 		 		// TODO: Implement WPGMZA.settings.distance_units 		 		/** 		 * Converts a UI distance (eg from a form control) to meters, 		 * accounting for the global units setting 		 */ 		uiToMeters: function(uiDistance) 		{ 			return parseFloat(uiDistance) / (WPGMZA.settings.distance_units == WPGMZA.Distance.MILES ? WPGMZA.Distance.MILES_PER_KILOMETER : 1) * 1000; 		}, 		 		/** 		 * Converts a UI distance (eg from a form control) to kilometers, 		 * accounting for the global units setting 		 */ 		uiToKilometers: function(uiDistance) 		{ 			return WPGMZA.Distance.uiToMeters(uiDistance) * 0.001; 		}, 		 		/** 		 * Converts a UI distance (eg from a form control) to miles, 		 * accounting for the global units setting 		 */ 		uiToMiles: function(uiDistance) 		{ 			return WPGMZA.Distance.uiToKilometers(uiDistance) * WPGMZA.Distance.MILES_PER_KILOMETER; 		}, 		 		kilometersToUI: function(km) 		{ 			if(WPGMZA.settings.distance_units == WPGMZA.Distance.MILES) 				return km * WPGMZA.Distance.MILES_PER_KILOMETER; 			return km; 		} 		 	}; 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/event-dispatcher.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module EventDispatcher  * @requires WPGMZA  */ (function($) { 	 	WPGMZA.EventDispatcher = function() 	{ 		WPGMZA.assertInstanceOf(this, "EventDispatcher"); 		 		this._listenersByType = []; 	}  	WPGMZA.EventDispatcher.prototype.addEventListener = function(type, listener, thisObject, useCapture) 	{ 		var arr; 		 		var types = type.split(/\s+/); 		if(types.length > 1) 		{ 			for(var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) 				this.addEventListener(types[i], listener, thisObject, useCapture); 			 			return; 		} 		 		if(!(listener instanceof Function)) 			throw new Error("Listener must be a function");  		if(!(arr = this._listenersByType[type])) 			arr = this._listenersByType[type] = []; 			 		var obj = { 			listener: listener, 			thisObject: (thisObject ? thisObject : this), 			useCapture: (useCapture ? true : false) 			}; 			 		arr.push(obj); 	}  	WPGMZA.EventDispatcher.prototype.on = WPGMZA.EventDispatcher.prototype.addEventListener;  	WPGMZA.EventDispatcher.prototype.removeEventListener = function(type, listener, thisObject, useCapture) 	{ 		var arr, index, obj;  		if(!(arr = this._listenersByType[type])) 			return; 			 		if(!thisObject) 			thisObject = this; 			 		useCapture = (useCapture ? true : false); 		 		for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) 		{ 			obj = arr[i]; 		 			if(obj.listener == listener && obj.thisObject == thisObject && obj.useCapture == useCapture) 			{ 				arr.splice(i, 1); 				return; 			} 		} 	} = WPGMZA.EventDispatcher.prototype.removeEventListener;  	WPGMZA.EventDispatcher.prototype.hasEventListener = function(type) 	{ 		return (_listenersByType[type] ? true : false); 	}  	WPGMZA.EventDispatcher.prototype.dispatchEvent = function(event) 	{ 		if(!(event instanceof WPGMZA.Event)) 		{ 			if(typeof event == "string") 				event = new WPGMZA.Event(event); 			else 			{ 				var src = event; 				event = new WPGMZA.Event(); 				for(var name in src) 					event[name] = src[name]; 			} 		} = this; 			 		var path = []; 		for(var obj = this.parent; obj != null; obj = obj.parent) 			path.unshift(obj); 		 		event.phase = WPGMZA.Event.CAPTURING_PHASE; 		for(var i = 0; i < path.length && !event._cancelled; i++) 			path[i]._triggerListeners(event); 			 		if(event._cancelled) 			return; 			 		event.phase = WPGMZA.Event.AT_TARGET; 		this._triggerListeners(event); 			 		event.phase = WPGMZA.Event.BUBBLING_PHASE; 		for(i = path.length - 1; i >= 0 && !event._cancelled; i--) 			path[i]._triggerListeners(event); 	}  	WPGMZA.EventDispatcher.prototype.trigger = WPGMZA.EventDispatcher.prototype.dispatchEvent;  	WPGMZA.EventDispatcher.prototype._triggerListeners = function(event) 	{ 		var arr, obj; 		 		if(!(arr = this._listenersByType[event.type])) 			return; 			 		for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) 		{ 			obj = arr[i]; 			 			if(event.phase == WPGMZA.Event.CAPTURING_PHASE && !obj.useCapture) 				continue;[i].thisObject, event); 		} 	} = new WPGMZA.EventDispatcher();  })(jQuery);  // js/v8/event.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module Event  * @requires WPGMZA  */  (function($) { 		 	WPGMZA.Event = function(options) 	{ 		if(typeof options == "string") 			this.type = options; 		 		this.bubbles		= true; 		this.cancelable		= true; 		this.phase			= WPGMZA.Event.PHASE_CAPTURE;			= null; 		 		this._cancelled = false; 		 		if(typeof options == "object") 			for(var name in options) 				this[name] = options[name]; 	}  	WPGMZA.Event.CAPTURING_PHASE		= 0; 	WPGMZA.Event.AT_TARGET				= 1; 	WPGMZA.Event.BUBBLING_PHASE			= 2;  	WPGMZA.Event.prototype.stopPropagation = function() 	{ 		this._cancelled = true; 	} 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/friendly-error.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module FriendlyError  * @requires WPGMZA  */ (function($) { 	 	/*var template = '\ 		<div class="notice notice-error"> \ 			<p> \ 			' + WPGMZA.localized_strings.friendly_error + ' \ 			</p> \ 			<pre style="white-space: pre-line;"></pre> \ 		<div> \ 		'; 	 	WPGMZA.FriendlyError = function(nativeError) 	{ 		if(!WPGMZA.is_admin) 		{ 			this.element = $(WPGMZA.preloaderHTML); 			$(this.element).removeClass("animated"); 			return; 		} 		 		$("#wpgmza-map-edit-page>.wpgmza-preloader").remove(); 		 		this.element = $(template); 		this.element.find("pre").html(nativeError.message + "\r\n" + nativeError.stack + "\r\n\r\n on " + window.location.href); 	}*/ 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/geocoder.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module Geocoder  * @requires WPGMZA  */ (function($) { 	 	WPGMZA.Geocoder = function() 	{ 		WPGMZA.assertInstanceOf(this, "Geocoder"); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Geocoder.SUCCESS			= "success"; 	WPGMZA.Geocoder.ZERO_RESULTS	= "zero-results"; 	WPGMZA.Geocoder.FAIL			= "fail"; 	 	WPGMZA.Geocoder.getConstructor = function() 	{ 		switch(WPGMZA.settings.engine) 		{ 			case "google-maps": 				return WPGMZA.GoogleGeocoder; 				break; 				 			default: 				return WPGMZA.OLGeocoder; 				break; 		} 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Geocoder.createInstance = function() 	{ 		var constructor = WPGMZA.Geocoder.getConstructor(); 		return new constructor(); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Geocoder.prototype.getLatLngFromAddress = function(options, callback) 	{ 		if(WPGMZA.isLatLngString(options.address)) 		{ 			var parts = options.address.split(/,\s*/); 			var latLng = { 				lat: parseFloat(parts[0]), 				lng: parseFloat(parts[1]) 			} 			callback(latLng); 		} 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Geocoder.prototype.geocode = function(options, callback) 	{ 		return this.getLatLngFromAddress(options, callback); 	} 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/info-window.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module InfoWindow  * @requires WPGMZA.EventDispatcher  */ (function($) { 	 	WPGMZA.InfoWindow = function(mapObject) 	{ 		var self = this;; 		 		WPGMZA.assertInstanceOf(this, "InfoWindow"); 		 		if(!mapObject) 			return; 		 		this.mapObject = mapObject; 		 		if( 		{ 			// This has to be slightly delayed so the map initialization won't overwrite the infowindow element 			setTimeout(function() { 				self.onMapObjectAdded(event); 			}, 100); 		} 		else 			mapObject.addEventListener("added", function(event) {  				self.onMapObjectAdded(event); 			});		 	} 	 	WPGMZA.InfoWindow.prototype = Object.create(WPGMZA.EventDispatcher.prototype); 	WPGMZA.InfoWindow.prototype.constructor = WPGMZA.InfoWindow; 	 	WPGMZA.InfoWindow.OPEN_BY_CLICK = 1; 	WPGMZA.InfoWindow.OPEN_BY_HOVER = 2; 	 	WPGMZA.InfoWindow.getConstructor = function() 	{ 		switch(WPGMZA.settings.engine) 		{ 			case "google-maps": 				if(WPGMZA.isProVersion()) 					return WPGMZA.GoogleProInfoWindow; 				return WPGMZA.GoogleInfoWindow; 				break; 				 			default: 				if(WPGMZA.isProVersion()) 					return WPGMZA.OLProInfoWindow; 				return WPGMZA.OLInfoWindow; 				break; 		} 	} 	 	WPGMZA.InfoWindow.createInstance = function(mapObject) 	{ 		var constructor = this.getConstructor(); 		return new constructor(mapObject); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Gets the content for the info window and passes it to the specified callback - this allows for delayed loading (eg AJAX) as well as instant content 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.InfoWindow.prototype.getContent = function(callback) 	{ 		var html = ""; 		 		if(this.mapObject instanceof WPGMZA.Marker) 			html = this.mapObject.address; 		 		callback(html); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Opens the info window 	 * @return boolean FALSE if the info window should not & will not open, TRUE if it will 	 */ = function(map, mapObject) 	{ 		var self = this; 		 		this.mapObject = mapObject; 		 		if(WPGMZA.settings.disable_infowindows) 			return false; 		 		return true; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.InfoWindow.prototype.close = function() 	{ 		 	} 	 	/** 	 * Event listener for when the map object is added. This will cause the info window to open if the map object has infoopen set 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.InfoWindow.prototype.onMapObjectAdded = function() 	{ 		if(this.mapObject.settings.infoopen == 1); 	} 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/latlng.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module LatLng  * @requires WPGMZA  */ (function($) {  	/** 	 * Constructor 	 * @param mixed A latLng literal, or latitude 	 * @param mixed The latitude, where arg is a longitude 	 */ 	WPGMZA.LatLng = function(arg, lng) 	{ 		this._lat = 0; 		this._lng = 0; 		 		if(arguments.length == 0) 			return; 		 		if(arguments.length == 1) 		{ 			if(typeof arg != "object" || !("lat" in arg && "lng" in arg)) 				throw new Error("Argument must be a LatLng literal"); =; 			this.lng = arg.lng; 		} 		else 		{ = arg; 			this.lng = lng; 		} 	} 	 	WPGMZA.LatLng.isValid = function(obj) 	{ 		if(typeof obj != "object") 			return false; 		 		if(!("lat" in obj && "lng" in obj)) 			return false; 		 		return true; 	} 	 	Object.defineProperty(WPGMZA.LatLng.prototype, "lat", { 		get: function() { 			return this._lat; 		}, 		set: function(val) { 			if(!$.isNumeric(val)) 				throw new Error("Latitude must be numeric"); 			this._lat = parseFloat( val ); 		} 	}); 	 	Object.defineProperty(WPGMZA.LatLng.prototype, "lng", { 		get: function() { 			return this._lng; 		}, 		set: function(val) { 			if(!$.isNumeric(val)) 				throw new Error("Longitude must be numeric"); 			this._lng = parseFloat( val ); 		} 	}); 	 	WPGMZA.LatLng.prototype.toString = function() 	{ 		return this._lat + ", " + this._lng; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.LatLng.prototype.toGoogleLatLng = function() 	{ 		return new google.maps.LatLng({ 			lat:, 			lng: this.lng 		}); 	} 	 	/** 	 * @function moveByDistance 	 * @summary Moves this latLng by the specified kilometers along the given heading 	 * @return void 	 * With many thanks to Hu Kenneth - 	 */ 	WPGMZA.LatLng.prototype.moveByDistance = function(kilometers, heading) 	{ 		var radius 		= 6371; 		 		var delta 		= parseFloat(kilometers) / radius; 		var theta 		= parseFloat(heading) / 180 * Math.PI; 		 		var phi1 		= / 180 * Math.PI; 		var lambda1 	= this.lng / 180 * Math.PI; 		 		var sinPhi1 	= Math.sin(phi1), cosPhi1 = Math.cos(phi1); 		var sinDelta	= Math.sin(delta), cosDelta = Math.cos(delta); 		var sinTheta	= Math.sin(theta), cosTheta = Math.cos(theta); 		 		var sinPhi2		= sinPhi1 * cosDelta + cosPhi1 * sinDelta * cosTheta; 		var phi2		= Math.asin(sinPhi2); 		var y			= sinTheta * sinDelta * cosPhi1; 		var x			= cosDelta - sinPhi1 * sinPhi2; 		var lambda2		= lambda1 + Math.atan2(y, x);		= phi2 * 180 / Math.PI; 		this.lng		= lambda2 * 180 / Math.PI; 	} 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/latlngbounds.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module LatLngBounds  * @requires WPGMZA  */ (function($) { 	 	WPGMZA.LatLngBounds = function(southWest, northEast) 	{ 		 	} 	 	WPGMZA.LatLngBounds.prototype.isInInitialState = function() 	{ 		return (this.north == undefined && this.south == undefined && this.west == undefined && this.east == undefined); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.LatLngBounds.prototype.extend = function(latLng) 	{ 		if(this.isInInitialState()) 		{ 			this.north = this.south = this.west = this.east = new WPGMZA.LatLng(latLng); 			return; 		} 		 		if(!(latLng instanceof WPGMZA.LatLng)) 			latLng = new WPGMZA.LatLng(latLng); 		 		if( < this.north) 			this.north =; 		 		if( > this.south) 			this.south =; 		 		if(latLng.lng < this.west) 			this.west = latLng.lng; 		 		if(latLng.lng > this.east) 			this.east = latLng.lng; 	} 	 })(jQuery);   // js/v8/map-object.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module MapObject  * @requires WPGMZA.EventDispatcher  */ (function($) { 	 	WPGMZA.MapObject = function(row) 	{ 		var self = this; 		 		WPGMZA.assertInstanceOf(this, "MapObject");; = -1; 		this.guid = WPGMZA.guid(); 		this.modified = true; 		this.settings = {}; 		 		if(row) 		{ 			for(var name in row) 			{ 				if(name == "settings") 				{ 					if(row["settings"] == null) 						this["settings"] = {}; 					else switch(typeof row["settings"]) { 						case "string": 							this["settings"] = JSON.parse(row[name]); 							break; 						case "object": 							this["settings"] = row[name]; 							break; 						default: 							throw new Error("Don't know how to interpret settings") 							break; 					} 					 					for(var name in this.settings) 					{ 						var value = this.settings[name]; 						if(String(value).match(/^-?\d+$/)) 							this.settings[name] = parseInt(value); 					} 				} 				else 					this[name] = row[name]; 			} 		}		 	} 	 	WPGMZA.MapObject.prototype = Object.create(WPGMZA.EventDispatcher.prototype); 	WPGMZA.MapObject.prototype.constructor = WPGMZA.MapObject; 	 	WPGMZA.MapObject.prototype.parseGeometry = function(string) 	{ 		var stripped, pairs, coords, results = []; 		stripped = string.replace(/[^ ,\d\.\-+e]/g, ""); 		pairs = stripped.split(","); 		 		for(var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) 		{ 			coords = pairs[i].split(" "); 			results.push({ 				lat: parseFloat(coords[1]), 				lng: parseFloat(coords[0]) 			}); 		} 				 		return results; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.MapObject.prototype.toJSON = function() 	{ 		return { 			id:, 			guid: this.guid, 			settings: this.settings 		}; 	} 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/circle.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module Circle  * @requires WPGMZA.MapObject  */ (function($) { 	 	var Parent = WPGMZA.MapObject; 	 	/** 	 * @class Circle 	 * @summary Represents a generic circle. <b>Please do not instantiate this object directly, use createInstance</b> 	 * @return {WPGMZA.Circle} 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Circle = function(options, engineCircle) 	{ 		var self = this; 		 		WPGMZA.assertInstanceOf(this, "Circle"); = new WPGMZA.LatLng(); 		this.radius = 100; 		 		Parent.apply(this, arguments); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Circle.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype); 	WPGMZA.Circle.prototype.constructor = WPGMZA.Circle; 	 	/** 	 * @function createInstance 	 * @summary Creates an instance of a circle, <b>please always use this function rather than calling the constructor directly</b> 	 * @param {object} options Options for the object (optional) 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Circle.createInstance = function(options) 	{ 		var constructor; 		 		if(WPGMZA.settings.engine == "google-maps") 			constructor = WPGMZA.GoogleCircle; 		else 			constructor = WPGMZA.OLCircle; 		 		return new constructor(options); 	} 	 	/** 	 * @function getCenter 	 * @returns {WPGMZA.LatLng} 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Circle.prototype.getCenter = function() 	{ 		return; 	} 	 	/** 	 * @function setCenter 	 * @param {object|WPGMZA.LatLng} latLng either a literal or as a WPGMZA.LatLng 	 * @returns {void} 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Circle.prototype.setCenter = function(latLng) 	{ =; = latLng.lng; 	} 	 	/** 	 * @function getRadius 	 * @summary Returns the circles radius in kilometers 	 * @returns {WPGMZA.LatLng} 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Circle.prototype.getRadius = function() 	{ 		return this.radius; 	} 	 	/** 	 * @function setRadius 	 * @param {number} The radius 	 * @returns {void} 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Circle.prototype.setRadius = function(radius) 	{ 		this.radius = radius; 	} 	 	/** 	 * @function getMap 	 * @summary Returns the map that this circle is being displayed on 	 * @return {WPGMZA.Map} 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Circle.prototype.getMap = function() 	{ 		return; 	} 	 	/** 	 * @function setMap 	 * @param {WPGMZA.Map} The target map 	 * @summary Puts this circle on a map 	 * @return {void} 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Circle.prototype.setMap = function(map) 	{ 		if(; 		 		if(map) 			map.addCircle(this); 			 	} 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/map-settings.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module MapSettings  * @requires WPGMZA  */ (function($) { 	 	WPGMZA.MapSettings = function(element) 	{ 		var str = element.getAttribute("data-settings"); 		var json = JSON.parse(str); 		 		//var id = $(element).attr("data-map-id"); 		//var json = JSON.parse(window["wpgmza_map_settings_" + id]); 		 		WPGMZA.assertInstanceOf(this, "MapSettings"); 		 		for(var key in json) 		{ 			var value = json[key]; 			 			if(String(value).match(/^-?\d+$/)) 				value = parseInt(value); 				 			this[key] = value; 		} 	} 	 	WPGMZA.MapSettings.prototype.toOLViewOptions = function() 	{ 		var options = { 			center: ol.proj.fromLonLat([-119.4179, 36.7783]), 			zoom: 4 		}; 		 		function empty(name) 		{ 			if(typeof self[name] == "object") 				return false; 			 			return !self[name] || !self[name].length; 		} 		 		// Start location 		if(typeof this.start_location == "string") 		{ 			var coords = this.start_location.replace(/^\(|\)$/g, "").split(","); 			if(WPGMZA.isLatLngString(this.start_location)) = ol.proj.fromLonLat([ 					parseFloat(coords[1]), 					parseFloat(coords[0]) 				]); 			else 				console.warn("Invalid start location"); 		} 		 		if( 		{ = ol.proj.fromLonLat([ 				parseFloat(, 				parseFloat( 			]); 		} 		 		// Start zoom 		if(this.zoom) 			options.zoom = parseInt(this.zoom); 		 		if(this.start_zoom) 			options.zoom = parseInt(this.start_zoom); 		 		// Zoom limits 		// TODO: This matches the Google code, so some of these could be potentially put on a parent class 		if(!empty("min_zoom")) 			options.minZoom = parseInt(this.min_zoom); 		if(!empty("max_zoom")) 			options.maxZoom = parseInt(this.max_zoom); 		 		return options; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.MapSettings.prototype.toGoogleMapsOptions = function() 	{ 		var self = this; 		var latLngCoords = (this.start_location && this.start_location.length ? this.start_location.split(",") : [36.7783, -119.4179]); 		 		function empty(name) 		{ 			if(typeof self[name] == "object") 				return false; 			 			return !self[name] || !self[name].length; 		} 		 		function formatCoord(coord) 		{ 			if($.isNumeric(coord)) 				return coord; 			return parseFloat( String(coord).replace(/[\(\)\s]/, "") ); 		} 		 		var latLng = new google.maps.LatLng( 			formatCoord(latLngCoords[0]), 			formatCoord(latLngCoords[1]) 		); 		 		var zoom = (this.start_zoom ? parseInt(this.start_zoom) : 4); 		 		if(!this.start_zoom && this.zoom) 			zoom = parseInt( this.zoom ); 		 		var options = { 			zoom:			zoom, 			center:			latLng 		}; 		 		if(!empty("center")) = new google.maps.LatLng({ 				lat: parseFloat(, 				lng: parseFloat( 			}); 		 		if(!empty("min_zoom")) 			options.minZoom = parseInt(this.min_zoom); 		if(!empty("max_zoom")) 			options.maxZoom = parseInt(this.max_zoom); 		 		// These settings are all inverted because the checkbox being set means "disabled" 		options.zoomControl 			= !(this.map_zoom == true); 		options.panControl 				= !(this.map_pan == true); 		options.mapTypeControl			= !(this.disable_map_type_controls == true); 		options.streetViewControl		= !(this.map_streetview == true); 		options.fullscreenControl		= !(this.map_full_screen_control == true); 		 		options.draggable				= !(this.map_draggable == true); 		options.disableDoubleClickZoom	= !(this.map_clickzoom == true); 		options.scrollwheel				= !(this.map_scroll == true); 		 		if(this.force_greedy_gestures) 			options.gestureHandling = "greedy"; 		 		switch(parseInt(this.map_type)) 		{ 			case 2: 				options.mapTypeId = google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE; 				break; 			 			case 3: 				options.mapTypeId = google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID; 				break; 			 			case 4: 				options.mapTypeId = google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN; 				break; 				 			default: 				options.mapTypeId = google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP; 				break; 		} 		 		if(this.theme_data && this.theme_data.length > 0) 		{ 			try{ 				options.styles = JSON.parse(this.theme_data); 			}catch(e) { 				alert("Your theme data is not valid JSON and has been ignored"); 			} 		} 		 		return options; 	} })(jQuery);  // js/v8/map.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module Map  * @requires WPGMZA.EventDispatcher  */ (function($) { 	 	/** 	 * Constructor 	 * @param element to contain map 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Map = function(element, options) 	{ 		var self = this; 		 		WPGMZA.assertInstanceOf(this, "Map");; 		 		if(!(element instanceof HTMLElement)) 			throw new Error("Argument must be a HTMLElement"); = element.getAttribute("data-map-id"); 		if(!/\d+/.test( 			throw new Error("Map ID must be an integer"); 		 		WPGMZA.maps.push(this); 		this.element = element; 		this.element.wpgmzaMap = this; 		 		this.engineElement = element; 		 		this.markers = []; 		this.polygons = []; 		this.polylines = []; 		this.circles = []; 		 		this.loadSettings(); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Map.prototype = Object.create(WPGMZA.EventDispatcher.prototype); 	WPGMZA.Map.prototype.constructor = WPGMZA.Map; 	 	WPGMZA.Map.getConstructor = function() 	{ 		switch(WPGMZA.settings.engine) 		{ 			case "google-maps": 				if(WPGMZA.isProVersion()) 					return WPGMZA.GoogleProMap; 				 				return WPGMZA.GoogleMap; 				break; 				 			default: 				if(WPGMZA.isProVersion()) 					return WPGMZA.OLProMap; 				 				return WPGMZA.OLMap; 				break; 		} 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Map.createInstance = function(element, options) 	{ 		var constructor = WPGMZA.Map.getConstructor(); 		return new constructor(element, options); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Loads the maps settings and sets some defaults 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Map.prototype.loadSettings = function() 	{ 		var settings = new WPGMZA.MapSettings(this.element); 		this.settings = $.extend({}, WPGMZA.settings, settings); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Sets options in bulk on map 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Map.prototype.setOptions = function(options) 	{ 		for(var name in options) 			this.settings[name] = options[name]; 	} 	 	/** 	 * Gets the distance between two latLngs in kilometers 	 * NB: Static function 	 * @return number 	 */ 	var earthRadiusMeters = 6371; 	var piTimes360 = Math.PI / 360; 	 	function deg2rad(deg) { 	  return deg * (Math.PI/180) 	}; 	 	/** 	 * This gets the distance in kilometers between two latitude / longitude points 	 * TODO: Move this to the distance class, or the LatLng class 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Map.getGeographicDistance = function(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) 	{ 		var dLat = deg2rad(lat2-lat1); 		var dLon = deg2rad(lon2-lon1);  		 		var a =  			Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) + 			Math.cos(deg2rad(lat1)) * Math.cos(deg2rad(lat2)) *  			Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.sin(dLon/2);  			 		var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a));  		var d = earthRadiusMeters * c; // Distance in km 		 		return d; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Map.prototype.setCenter = function(latLng) 	{ 		if(!("lat" in latLng && "lng" in latLng)) 			throw new Error("Argument is not an object with lat and lng"); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Sets the dimensions of the map 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Map.prototype.setDimensions = function(width, height) 	{ 		$(this.element).css({ 			width: width 		}); 		 		$(this.engineElement).css({ 			width: "100%", 			height: height 		}); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Adds the specified marker to this map 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Map.prototype.addMarker = function(marker) 	{ 		if(!(marker instanceof WPGMZA.Marker)) 			throw new Error("Argument must be an instance of WPGMZA.Marker"); = this; 		marker.parent = this; 		 		this.markers.push(marker); 		this.dispatchEvent({type: "markeradded", marker: marker}); 		marker.dispatchEvent({type: "added"}); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Removes the specified marker from this map 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Map.prototype.removeMarker = function(marker) 	{ 		if(!(marker instanceof WPGMZA.Marker)) 			throw new Error("Argument must be an instance of WPGMZA.Marker"); 		 		if( !== this) 			throw new Error("Wrong map error"); = null; 		marker.parent = null; 		 		this.markers.splice(this.markers.indexOf(marker), 1); 		this.dispatchEvent({type: "markerremoved", marker: marker}); 		marker.dispatchEvent({type: "removed"}); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Map.prototype.getMarkerByID = function(id) 	{ 		for(var i = 0; i < this.markers.length; i++) 		{ 			if(this.markers[i].id == id) 				return this.markers[i]; 		} 		 		return null; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Map.prototype.removeMarkerByID = function(id) 	{ 		var marker = this.getMarkerByID(id); 		 		if(!marker) 			return; 		 		this.removeMarker(marker); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Adds the specified polygon to this map 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Map.prototype.addPolygon = function(polygon) 	{ 		if(!(polygon instanceof WPGMZA.Polygon)) 			throw new Error("Argument must be an instance of WPGMZA.Polygon"); = this; 		 		this.polygons.push(polygon); 		this.dispatchEvent({type: "polygonadded", polygon: polygon}); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Removes the specified polygon from this map 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Map.prototype.deletePolygon = function(polygon) 	{ 		if(!(polygon instanceof WPGMZA.Polygon)) 			throw new Error("Argument must be an instance of WPGMZA.Polygon"); 		 		if( !== this) 			throw new Error("Wrong map error"); = null; 		 		this.polygons.splice(this.polygons.indexOf(polygon), 1); 		this.dispatchEvent({type: "polygonremoved", polygon: polygon}); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Map.prototype.getPolygonByID = function(id) 	{ 		for(var i = 0; i < this.polygons.length; i++) 		{ 			if(this.polygons[i].id == id) 				return this.polygons[i]; 		} 		 		return null; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Map.prototype.deletePolygonByID = function(id) 	{ 		var polygon = this.getPolygonByID(id); 		 		if(!polygon) 			return; 		 		this.deletePolygon(polygon); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Gets a polyline by ID 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Map.prototype.getPolylineByID = function(id) 	{ 		for(var i = 0; i < this.polylines.length; i++) 		{ 			if(this.polylines[i].id == id) 				return this.polylines[i]; 		} 		 		return null; 	} 	 	/** 	 * Adds the specified polyline to this map 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Map.prototype.addPolyline = function(polyline) 	{ 		if(!(polyline instanceof WPGMZA.Polyline)) 			throw new Error("Argument must be an instance of WPGMZA.Polyline"); = this; 		 		this.polylines.push(polyline); 		this.dispatchEvent({type: "polylineadded", polyline: polyline}); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Removes the specified polyline from this map 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Map.prototype.deletePolyline = function(polyline) 	{ 		if(!(polyline instanceof WPGMZA.Polyline)) 			throw new Error("Argument must be an instance of WPGMZA.Polyline"); 		 		if( !== this) 			throw new Error("Wrong map error"); = null; 		 		this.polylines.splice(this.polylines.indexOf(polyline), 1); 		this.dispatchEvent({type: "polylineremoved", polyline: polyline}); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Map.prototype.getPolylineByID = function(id) 	{ 		for(var i = 0; i < this.polylines.length; i++) 		{ 			if(this.polylines[i].id == id) 				return this.polylines[i]; 		} 		 		return null; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Map.prototype.deletePolylineByID = function(id) 	{ 		var polyline = this.getPolylineByID(id); 		 		if(!polyline) 			return; 		 		this.deletePolyline(polyline); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Adds the specified circle to this map 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Map.prototype.addCircle = function(circle) 	{ 		if(!(circle instanceof WPGMZA.Circle)) 			throw new Error("Argument must be an instance of WPGMZA.Circle"); = this; 		 		this.circles.push(circle); 		this.dispatchEvent({type: "circleadded", circle: circle}); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Removes the specified circle from this map 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Map.prototype.removeCircle = function(circle) 	{ 		if(!(circle instanceof WPGMZA.Circle)) 			throw new Error("Argument must be an instance of WPGMZA.Circle"); 		 		if( !== this) 			throw new Error("Wrong map error"); = null; 		 		this.circles.splice(this.circles.indexOf(circle), 1); 		this.dispatchEvent({type: "circleremoved", circle: circle}); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Map.prototype.getCircleByID = function(id) 	{ 		for(var i = 0; i < this.circles.length; i++) 		{ 			if(this.circles[i].id == id) 				return this.circles[i]; 		} 		 		return null; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Map.prototype.deleteCircleByID = function(id) 	{ 		var circle = this.getCircleByID(id); 		 		if(!circle) 			return; 		 		this.deleteCircle(circle); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Nudges the map viewport by the given pixel coordinates 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Map.prototype.nudge = function(x, y) 	{ 		var pixels = this.latLngToPixels(this.getCenter()); 		 		pixels.x += parseFloat(x); 		pixels.y += parseFloat(y); 		 		if(isNaN(pixels.x) || isNaN(pixels.y)) 			throw new Error("Invalid coordinates supplied"); 		 		var latLng = this.pixelsToLatLng(pixels); 		 		this.setCenter(latLng); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Triggered when the window resizes 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Map.prototype.onWindowResize = function(event) 	{ 		 	} 	 	/** 	 * Listener for when the engine map div is resized 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Map.prototype.onElementResized = function(event) 	{ 		 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Map.prototype.onBoundsChanged = function(event) 	{ 		// Native events 		this.trigger("boundschanged"); 		$(this.element).trigger("boundschanged.wpgmza"); 		 		// Google / legacy compatibility events 		this.trigger("bounds_changed"); 		$(this.element).trigger("bounds_changed"); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Map.prototype.onIdle = function(event) 	{ 		$(this.element).trigger("idle"); 		$(this.element).trigger("idle.wpgmza"); 	} 	 	/*$(document).ready(function() { 		function createMaps() 		{ 			// TODO: Test that this works for maps off screen (which borks google) 			$(".wpgmza-map").each(function(index, el) { 				if(!el.wpgmzaMap) 				{ 					WPGMZA.runCatchableTask(function() { 						WPGMZA.Map.createInstance(el); 					}, el); 				} 			}); 		} 		 		createMaps(); 		 		// Call again each second to load AJAX maps 		setInterval(createMaps, 1000); 	});*/ })(jQuery);  // js/v8/maps-engine-dialog.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module MapsEngineDialog  * @requires WPGMZA  */ (function($) { 	 	WPGMZA.MapsEngineDialog = function(element) 	{ 		var self = this; 		 		this.element = element; 		 		$(element).show(); 		$(element).remodal().open(); 		 		$("[data-maps-engine]").on("click", function(event) { 			 			self.onButtonClicked(event); 			 		}); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.MapsEngineDialog.prototype.onButtonClicked = function(event) 	{ 		$("disabled", true); 		 		$.ajax(WPGMZA.ajaxurl, { 			method: "POST", 			data: { 				action: "wpgmza_maps_engine_dialog_set_engine", 				engine: $("data-maps-engine") 			}, 			success: function(response, status, xhr) { 				window.location.reload(); 			} 		}); 	} 	 	$(window).on("load", function(event) { 		 		var element = $("#wpgmza-maps-engine-dialog"); 		 		if(!element.length) 			return; 		 		if(WPGMZA.settings.wpgmza_maps_engine_dialog_done) 			return; 		 		WPGMZA.mapsEngineDialog = new WPGMZA.MapsEngineDialog(element); 		 	}); 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/marker.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module Marker  * @requires WPGMZA  */ (function($) { 	/** 	 * Constructor 	 * @param json to load (optional) 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Marker = function(row) 	{ 		var self = this; 		 		WPGMZA.assertInstanceOf(this, "Marker"); = "36.778261"; 		this.lng = "-119.4179323999"; 		this.address = "California"; 		this.title = null; 		this.description = ""; = ""; 		this.icon = ""; 		this.approved = 1; 		this.pic = null; 		 		WPGMZA.MapObject.apply(this, arguments); 		 		if(row && row.heatmap) 			return; // Don't listen for these events on heatmap markers. 		 		this.on("init", function(event) { 			if(row.position) 				this.setPosition(row.position); 			 			if(; 		}); 		 		this.addEventListener("added", function(event) { 			self.onAdded(event); 		}); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Marker.prototype = Object.create(WPGMZA.MapObject.prototype); 	WPGMZA.Marker.prototype.constructor = WPGMZA.Marker; 	 	/** 	 * Gets the constructor. You can use this instead of hard coding the parent class when inheriting, 	 * which is helpful for making subclasses that work with Basic only, Pro, Google, OL or a  	 * combination of the four. 	 * @return function 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Marker.getConstructor = function() 	{ 		switch(WPGMZA.settings.engine) 		{ 			case "google-maps": 				if(WPGMZA.isProVersion()) 					return WPGMZA.GoogleProMarker; 				return WPGMZA.GoogleMarker; 				break; 				 			default: 				if(WPGMZA.isProVersion()) 					return WPGMZA.OLProMarker; 				return WPGMZA.OLMarker; 				break; 		} 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Marker.createInstance = function(row) 	{ 		var constructor = WPGMZA.Marker.getConstructor(); 		return new constructor(row); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Marker.ANIMATION_NONE			= "0"; 	WPGMZA.Marker.ANIMATION_BOUNCE			= "1"; 	WPGMZA.Marker.ANIMATION_DROP			= "2"; 	 	WPGMZA.Marker.prototype.onAdded = function(event) 	{ 		var self = this; 		 		this.infoWindow = WPGMZA.InfoWindow.createInstance(this); 		 		this.addEventListener("click", function(event) { 			self.onClick(event); 		}); 		 		this.addEventListener("mouseover", function(event) { 			self.onMouseOver(event); 		}); 		 		this.addEventListener("select", function(event) { 			self.onSelect(event); 		}); 		 		if( == 			self.trigger("select"); 	} 	 	/** 	 * This function will hide the last info the user interacted with 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Marker.prototype.hidePreviousInteractedInfoWindow = function() 	{ 		if(! 			return;; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Marker.prototype.openInfoWindow = function() 	{ 		this.hidePreviousInteractedInfoWindow();, this); = this; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Marker.prototype.onClick = function(event) 	{ 		 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Marker.prototype.onSelect = function(event) 	{ 		this.openInfoWindow(); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Marker.prototype.onMouseOver = function(event) 	{ 		if( == WPGMZA.InfoWindow.OPEN_BY_HOVER) 			this.openInfoWindow(); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Marker.prototype.getIcon = function() 	{ 		return WPGMZA.settings.default_marker_icon; 	} 	 	/** 	 * Gets the position of the marker 	 * @return object 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Marker.prototype.getPosition = function() 	{ 		return { 			lat: parseFloat(, 			lng: parseFloat(this.lng) 		}; 	} 	 	/** 	 * Sets the position of the marker 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Marker.prototype.setPosition = function(latLng) 	{ 		if(latLng instanceof WPGMZA.LatLng) 		{ =; 			this.lng = latLng.lng; 		} 		else 		{ = parseFloat(; 			this.lng = parseFloat(latLng.lng); 		} 	} 	 	/** 	 * Set the marker animation 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Marker.prototype.getAnimation = function(animation) 	{ 		return this.settings.animation; 	} 	 	/** 	 * Set the marker animation 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Marker.prototype.setAnimation = function(animation) 	{ 		this.settings.animation = animation; 	} 	 	/** 	 * Get the marker visibility 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Marker.prototype.getVisible = function(visible) 	{ 		 	} 	 	/** 	 * Set the marker visibility. This is used by the store locator etc. and is not a setting 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Marker.prototype.setVisible = function(visible) 	{ 		if(!visible && this.infoWindow) 			this.infoWindow.close(); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Marker.prototype.setMap = function(map) 	{ 		if(!map) 		{ 			if(; 			 			return; 		} 		 		map.addMarker(this); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Marker.prototype.getDraggable = function() 	{ 		 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Marker.prototype.setDraggable = function(draggable) 	{ 		 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Marker.prototype.panIntoView = function() 	{ 		if(! 			throw new Error("Marker hasn't been added to a map");; 	} 	 	/** 	 * Returns the marker as a JSON object 	 * @return object 	 */ 	WPGMZA.Marker.prototype.toJSON = function() 	{ 		var result =; 		var position = this.getPosition(); 		 		$.extend(result, { 			lat:, 			lng: position.lng, 			address: this.address, 			title: this.title, 			description: this.description, 			link:, 			icon: this.icon, 			pic: this.pic, 			approved: this.approved 		}); 		 		return result; 	} 	 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/modern-store-locator-circle.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module ModernStoreLocatorCircle  * @requires WPGMZA  */ (function($) { 	 	/** 	 * This module is the modern store locator circle 	 * @constructor 	 */ 	WPGMZA.ModernStoreLocatorCircle = function(map_id, settings) { 		var self = this; 		var map; 		 		if(WPGMZA.isProVersion()) 			map = = MYMAP[map_id].map; 		else 			map = =; 		 		this.map_id = map_id; 		this.mapElement = map.element; 		this.mapSize = { 			width:  $(this.mapElement).width(), 			height: $(this.mapElement).height() 		}; 			 		this.initCanvasLayer(); 		 		this.settings = { 			center: new WPGMZA.LatLng(0, 0), 			radius: 1, 			color: "#63AFF2", 			 			shadowColor: "white", 			shadowBlur: 4, 			 			centerRingRadius: 10, 			centerRingLineWidth: 3,  			numInnerRings: 9, 			innerRingLineWidth: 1, 			innerRingFade: true, 			 			numOuterRings: 7, 			 			ringLineWidth: 1, 			 			mainRingLineWidth: 2, 			 			numSpokes: 6, 			spokesStartAngle: Math.PI / 2, 			 			numRadiusLabels: 6, 			radiusLabelsStartAngle: Math.PI / 2, 			radiusLabelFont: "13px sans-serif", 			 			visible: false 		}; 		 		if(settings) 			this.setOptions(settings); 	}; 	 	WPGMZA.ModernStoreLocatorCircle.createInstance = function(map, settings) { 		 		if(WPGMZA.settings.engine == "google-maps") 			return new WPGMZA.GoogleModernStoreLocatorCircle(map, settings); 		else 			return new WPGMZA.OLModernStoreLocatorCircle(map, settings); 		 	}; 	 	WPGMZA.ModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.initCanvasLayer = function() { 		 	} 	 	WPGMZA.ModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.onResize = function(event) {  		this.draw(); 	}; 	 	WPGMZA.ModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.onUpdate = function(event) {  		this.draw(); 	}; 	 	WPGMZA.ModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.setOptions = function(options) { 		for(var name in options) 		{ 			var functionName = "set" + name.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + name.substr(1); 			 			if(typeof this[functionName] == "function") 				this[functionName](options[name]); 			else 				this.settings[name] = options[name]; 		} 	}; 	 	WPGMZA.ModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.getResolutionScale = function() { 		return window.devicePixelRatio || 1; 	}; 	 	WPGMZA.ModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.getCenter = function() { 		return this.getPosition(); 	}; 	 	WPGMZA.ModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.setCenter = function(value) { 		this.setPosition(value); 	}; 	 	WPGMZA.ModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.getPosition = function() { 		return; 	}; 	 	WPGMZA.ModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.setPosition = function(position) { = position; 	}; 	 	WPGMZA.ModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.getRadius = function() { 		return this.settings.radius; 	}; 	 	WPGMZA.ModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.setRadius = function(radius) { 		 		if(isNaN(radius)) 			throw new Error("Invalid radius"); 		 		this.settings.radius = radius; 	}; 	 	WPGMZA.ModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.getVisible = function(visible) { 		return this.settings.visible; 	}; 	 	WPGMZA.ModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.setVisible = function(visible) { 		this.settings.visible = visible; 	}; 	 	/** 	 * This function transforms a km radius into canvas space 	 * @return number 	 */ 	WPGMZA.ModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.getTransformedRadius = function(km) 	{ 		throw new Error("Abstract function called"); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.ModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.getContext = function(type) 	{ 		throw new Error("Abstract function called"); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.ModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.getCanvasDimensions = function() 	{ 		throw new Error("Abstract function called"); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.ModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.draw = function() { 		 		var settings = this.settings; 		var canvasDimensions = this.getCanvasDimensions(); 		         var canvasWidth = canvasDimensions.width;         var canvasHeight = canvasDimensions.height; 		 		var map =; 		var resolutionScale = this.getResolutionScale(); 		 		context = this.getContext("2d");         context.clearRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);  		if(!settings.visible) 			return; 		 		context.shadowColor = settings.shadowColor; 		context.shadowBlur = settings.shadowBlur; 		 		// NB: 2018/02/13 - Left this here in case it needs to be calibrated more accurately 		/*if(!this.testCircle) 		{ 			this.testCircle = new google.maps.Circle({ 				strokeColor: "#ff0000", 				strokeOpacity: 0.5, 				strokeWeight: 3, 				map:, 				center: 			}); 		} 		 		this.testCircle.setCenter(; 		this.testCircle.setRadius(settings.radius * 1000);*/ 		         // Reset transform         context.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);                  var scale = Math.pow(2, map.getZoom()) * resolutionScale;         context.scale(scale, scale);  		// Translate by world origin 		var offset = this.getWorldOriginOffset(); 		context.translate(offset.x, offset.y);          // Get center and project to pixel space 		var center = new WPGMZA.LatLng(; 		var worldPoint = this.getCenterPixels(); 		 		var rgba = WPGMZA.hexToRgba(settings.color); 		var ringSpacing = this.getTransformedRadius(settings.radius) / (settings.numInnerRings + 1); 		 		// TODO: Implement gradients for color and opacity 		 		// Inside circle (fixed?)         context.strokeStyle = settings.color; 		context.lineWidth = (1 / scale) * settings.centerRingLineWidth; 		 		context.beginPath(); 		context.arc( 			worldPoint.x,  			worldPoint.y,  			this.getTransformedRadius(settings.centerRingRadius) / scale, 0, 2 * Math.PI 		); 		context.stroke(); 		context.closePath(); 		 		// Spokes 		var radius = this.getTransformedRadius(settings.radius) + (ringSpacing * settings.numOuterRings) + 1; 		var grad = context.createRadialGradient(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, radius); 		var rgba = WPGMZA.hexToRgba(settings.color); 		var start = WPGMZA.rgbaToString(rgba), end; 		var spokeAngle; 		 		rgba.a = 0; 		end = WPGMZA.rgbaToString(rgba); 		 		grad.addColorStop(0, start); 		grad.addColorStop(1, end);; 		 		context.translate(worldPoint.x, worldPoint.y); 		context.strokeStyle = grad; 		context.lineWidth = 2 / scale; 		 		for(var i = 0; i < settings.numSpokes; i++) 		{ 			spokeAngle = settings.spokesStartAngle + (Math.PI * 2) * (i / settings.numSpokes); 			 			x = Math.cos(spokeAngle) * radius; 			y = Math.sin(spokeAngle) * radius; 			 			context.setLineDash([2 / scale, 15 / scale]); 			 			context.beginPath(); 			context.moveTo(0, 0); 			context.lineTo(x, y); 			context.stroke(); 		} 		 		context.setLineDash([]); 		 		context.restore(); 		 		// Inner ringlets 		context.lineWidth = (1 / scale) * settings.innerRingLineWidth; 		 		for(var i = 1; i <= settings.numInnerRings; i++) 		{ 			var radius = i * ringSpacing; 			 			if(settings.innerRingFade) 				rgba.a = 1 - (i - 1) / settings.numInnerRings; 			 			context.strokeStyle = WPGMZA.rgbaToString(rgba); 			 			context.beginPath(); 			context.arc(worldPoint.x, worldPoint.y, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI); 			context.stroke(); 			context.closePath(); 		} 		 		// Main circle 		context.strokeStyle = settings.color; 		context.lineWidth = (1 / scale) * settings.centerRingLineWidth; 		 		context.beginPath(); 		context.arc(worldPoint.x, worldPoint.y, this.getTransformedRadius(settings.radius), 0, 2 * Math.PI); 		context.stroke(); 		context.closePath(); 		 		// Outer ringlets 		var radius = radius + ringSpacing; 		for(var i = 0; i < settings.numOuterRings; i++) 		{ 			if(settings.innerRingFade) 				rgba.a = 1 - i / settings.numOuterRings; 			 			context.strokeStyle = WPGMZA.rgbaToString(rgba); 			 			context.beginPath(); 			context.arc(worldPoint.x, worldPoint.y, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI); 			context.stroke(); 			context.closePath(); 		 			radius += ringSpacing; 		} 		 		// Text 		if(settings.numRadiusLabels > 0) 		{ 			var m; 			var radius = this.getTransformedRadius(settings.radius); 			var clipRadius = (12 * 1.1) / scale; 			var x, y; 			 			if(m = settings.radiusLabelFont.match(/(\d+)px/)) 				clipRadius = (parseInt(m[1]) / 2 * 1.1) / scale; 			 			context.font = settings.radiusLabelFont; 			context.textAlign = "center"; 			context.textBaseline = "middle"; 			context.fillStyle = settings.color;; 			 			context.translate(worldPoint.x, worldPoint.y) 			 			for(var i = 0; i < settings.numRadiusLabels; i++) 			{ 				var spokeAngle = settings.radiusLabelsStartAngle + (Math.PI * 2) * (i / settings.numRadiusLabels); 				var textAngle = spokeAngle + Math.PI / 2; 				var text = settings.radiusString; 				var width; 				 				if(Math.sin(spokeAngle) > 0) 					textAngle -= Math.PI; 				 				x = Math.cos(spokeAngle) * radius; 				y = Math.sin(spokeAngle) * radius;; 				 				context.translate(x, y); 				 				context.rotate(textAngle); 				context.scale(1 / scale, 1 / scale); 				 				width = context.measureText(text).width; 				height = width / 2; 				context.clearRect(-width, -height, 2 * width, 2 * height); 				 				context.fillText(settings.radiusString, 0, 0); 				 				context.restore(); 			} 			 			context.restore(); 		} 	} 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/modern-store-locator.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module ModernStoreLocator  * @requires WPGMZA  */ (function($) { 	 	/** 	 * The new modern look store locator. It takes the elements 	 * from the default look and moves them into the map, wrapping 	 * in a new element so we can apply new styles. 	 * @return Object 	 */ 	WPGMZA.ModernStoreLocator = function(map_id) 	{ 		var self = this; 		var original; 		 		WPGMZA.assertInstanceOf(this, "ModernStoreLocator"); 		 		if(WPGMZA.isProVersion()) 			 original = $(".wpgmza_sl_search_button[mid='" + map_id + "']").closest(".wpgmza_sl_main_div"); 		else 			original = $(".wpgmza_sl_search_button").closest(".wpgmza_sl_main_div"); 		 		if(!original.length) 			return; 		 		// Build / re-arrange elements 		this.element = $("<div class='wpgmza-modern-store-locator'><div class='wpgmza-inner wpgmza-modern-hover-opaque'/></div>")[0]; 		 		var inner = $(this.element).find(".wpgmza-inner"); 		 		var titleSearch = $(original).find("[id='nameInput_" + map_id + "']"); 		if(titleSearch.length) 		{ 			var placeholder = wpgmaps_localize[map_id].other_settings.store_locator_name_string; 			if(placeholder && placeholder.length) 				titleSearch.attr("placeholder", placeholder); 			inner.append(titleSearch); 		} 		 		var addressInput; 		if(WPGMZA.isProVersion()) 			addressInput = $(original).find(".addressInput"); 		else 			addressInput = $(original).find("#addressInput"); 		 		if(wpgmaps_localize[map_id].other_settings.store_locator_query_string && wpgmaps_localize[map_id].other_settings.store_locator_query_string.length) 			addressInput.attr("placeholder", wpgmaps_localize[map_id].other_settings.store_locator_query_string); 		 		inner.append(addressInput); 		 		inner.append($(original).find("select.wpgmza_sl_radius_select")); 		// inner.append($(original).find(".wpgmza_filter_select_" + map_id)); 		 		// Buttons 		this.searchButton = $(original).find( ".wpgmza_sl_search_button" ); 		inner.append(this.searchButton); 		 		this.resetButton = $(original).find( ".wpgmza_sl_reset_button_div" ); 		inner.append(this.resetButton); 		 		this.resetButton.hide(); 		 		if(WPGMZA.isProVersion()) 		{ 			this.searchButton.on("click", function(event) { 				if($("addressInput_" + map_id).val() == 0) 					return; 				 				self.searchButton.hide();; 			}); 			this.resetButton.on("click", function(event) { 				self.resetButton.hide();; 			}); 		} 		 		// Distance type 		inner.append($("#wpgmza_distance_type_" + map_id)); 		 		// Categories 		var container = $(original).find(".wpgmza_cat_checkbox_holder"); 		var ul = $(container).children("ul"); 		var items = $(container).find("li"); 		var numCategories = 0; 		 		//$(items).find("ul").remove(); 		//$(ul).append(items); 		 		var icons = []; 		 		items.each(function(index, el) { 			var id = $(el).attr("class").match(/\d+/); 			 			for(var category_id in wpgmza_category_data) { 				 				if(id == category_id) { 					var src = wpgmza_category_data[category_id].image; 					var icon = $('<div class="wpgmza-chip-icon"/>'); 					 					icon.css({ 						"background-image": "url('" + src + "')", 						"width": $("#wpgmza_cat_checkbox_" + category_id + " + label").height() + "px" 					}); 					icons.push(icon); 					                     if(src != null && src != ""){ 					   //$(el).find("label").prepend(icon);                        $("#wpgmza_cat_checkbox_" + category_id + " + label").prepend(icon);                     } 					 					numCategories++; 					 					break; 				} 				 			} 		});          $(this.element).append(container);  		 		if(numCategories) { 			this.optionsButton = $('<span class="wpgmza_store_locator_options_button"><i class="fas fa-list"></i></span>'); 			$(this.searchButton).before(this.optionsButton); 		} 		 		setInterval(function() { 			 			icons.forEach(function(icon) { 				var height = $(icon).height(); 				$(icon).css({"width": height + "px"}); 				$(icon).closest("label").css({"padding-left": height + 8 + "px"}); 			}); 			 			$(container).css("width", $(self.element).find(".wpgmza-inner").outerWidth() + "px"); 			 		}, 1000); 		 		$(this.element).find(".wpgmza_store_locator_options_button").on("click", function(event) { 			 			if(container.hasClass("wpgmza-open")) 				container.removeClass("wpgmza-open"); 			else 				container.addClass("wpgmza-open"); 			 		}); 		 		// Remove original element 		$(original).remove(); 		 		// Event listeners 		$(this.element).find("input, select").on("focus", function() { 			$(inner).addClass("active"); 		}); 		 		$(this.element).find("input, select").on("blur", function() { 			$(inner).removeClass("active"); 		}); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.ModernStoreLocator.createInstance = function(map_id) 	{ 		if(WPGMZA.settings.engine == "google-maps") 			return new WPGMZA.GoogleModernStoreLocator(map_id); 		else 			return new WPGMZA.OLModernStoreLocator(map_id); 	} 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/polygon.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module Polygon  * @requires WPGMZA.MapObject  */ (function($) { 	WPGMZA.Polygon = function(row, enginePolygon) 	{ 		var self = this; 		 		WPGMZA.assertInstanceOf(this, "Polygon"); 		 		this.paths = null; 		this.title = null; = null; = null; 		 		WPGMZA.MapObject.apply(this, arguments); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Polygon.prototype = Object.create(WPGMZA.MapObject.prototype); 	WPGMZA.Polygon.prototype.constructor = WPGMZA.Polygon; 	 	WPGMZA.Polygon.getConstructor = function() 	{ 		switch(WPGMZA.settings.engine) 		{ 			case "google-maps": 				if(WPGMZA.isProVersion()) 					return WPGMZA.GoogleProPolygon; 				return WPGMZA.GooglePolygon; 				break; 				 			default: 				if(WPGMZA.isProVersion()) 					return WPGMZA.OLProPolygon; 				return WPGMZA.OLPolygon; 				break; 		} 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Polygon.createInstance = function(row, engineObject) 	{ 		var constructor = WPGMZA.Polygon.getConstructor(); 		return new constructor(row, engineObject); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Polygon.prototype.toJSON = function() 	{ 		var result =; 		 		$.extend(result, { 			name:, 			title:		this.title, 			link:, 		}); 	 		return result; 	} 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/polyline.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module Polyline  * @requires WPGMZA.MapObject  */ (function($) { 	WPGMZA.Polyline = function(row, googlePolyline) 	{ 		var self = this; 		 		WPGMZA.assertInstanceOf(this, "Polyline"); 		 		this.title = null; 		 		WPGMZA.MapObject.apply(this, arguments); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Polyline.prototype = Object.create(WPGMZA.MapObject.prototype); 	WPGMZA.Polyline.prototype.constructor = WPGMZA.Polyline; 	 	WPGMZA.Polyline.getConstructor = function() 	{ 		switch(WPGMZA.settings.engine) 		{ 			case "google-maps": 				return WPGMZA.GooglePolyline; 				break; 				 			default: 				return WPGMZA.OLPolyline; 				break; 		} 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Polyline.createInstance = function(row, engineObject) 	{ 		var constructor = WPGMZA.Polyline.getConstructor(); 		return new constructor(row, engineObject); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Polyline.prototype.getPoints = function() 	{ 		return this.toJSON().points; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.Polyline.prototype.toJSON = function() 	{ 		var result =; 		 		result.title = this.title; 		 		return result; 	} 	 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/google-maps/google-circle.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module GoogleCircle  * @requires WPGMZA.Circle  */ (function($) { 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleCircle = function(options, googleCircle) 	{ 		var self = this;, options, googleCircle); 		 		if(googleCircle) 		{ 			this.googleCircle = googleCircle; 		} 		else 		{ 			this.googleCircle = new google.maps.Circle(); 			this.googleCircle.wpgmzaCircle = this; 		} 		 		google.maps.event.addListener(this.googleCircle, "click", function() { 			self.dispatchEvent({type: "click"}); 		}); 		 		if(options) 		{ 			var googleOptions = {}; 			 			googleOptions = $.extend({}, options); 			delete; 			delete; 			 			if( = new google.maps.LatLng({ 					lat:, 					lng: 				}); 			 			this.googleCircle.setOptions(googleOptions); 			 			if(; 		} 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleCircle.prototype = Object.create(WPGMZA.Circle.prototype); 	WPGMZA.GoogleCircle.prototype.constructor = WPGMZA.GoogleCircle; 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/google-maps/google-geocoder.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module GoogleGeocoder  * @requires WPGMZA.Geocoder  */ (function($) { 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleGeocoder = function() 	{ 		 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleGeocoder.prototype = Object.create(WPGMZA.Geocoder.prototype); 	WPGMZA.GoogleGeocoder.prototype.constructor = WPGMZA.GoogleGeocoder; 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleGeocoder.prototype.getLatLngFromAddress = function(options, callback) 	{ 		if(!options || !options.address) 			throw new Error("No address specified"); 		 		if(WPGMZA.isLatLngString(options.address)) 			return, options, callback); 		 		if( 			options.componentRestrictions = { 				country: 			}; 		 		var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); 		geocoder.geocode(options, function(results, status) { 			if(status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) 			{ 				var location = results[0].geometry.location; 				latLng = { 					lat:, 					lng: location.lng() 				}; 				 				var results = [ 					{ 						geometry: { 							location: latLng 						}, 						latLng: latLng 					} 				]; 				 				callback(results, WPGMZA.Geocoder.SUCCESS); 			} 			else 			{ 				var nativeStatus = WPGMZA.Geocoder.FAIL; 				 				if(status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.ZERO_RESULTS) 					nativeStatus = WPGMZA.Geocoder.ZERO_RESULTS; 				 				callback(null, nativeStatus); 			} 		}); 	} 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/google-maps/google-info-window.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module GoogleInfoWindow  * @requires WPGMZA.InfoWindow  * @pro-requires WPGMZA.ProInfoWindow  */ (function($) { 	 	var Parent; 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleInfoWindow = function(mapObject) 	{, mapObject); 		 		this.setMapObject(mapObject); 	} 	 	if(WPGMZA.isProVersion()) 		Parent = WPGMZA.ProInfoWindow; 	else 		Parent = WPGMZA.InfoWindow; 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleInfoWindow.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype); 	WPGMZA.GoogleInfoWindow.prototype.constructor = WPGMZA.GoogleInfoWindow; 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleInfoWindow.prototype.setMapObject = function(mapObject) 	{ 		if(mapObject instanceof WPGMZA.Marker) 			this.googleObject = mapObject.googleMarker; 		else if(mapObject instanceof WPGMZA.Polygon) 			this.googleObject = mapObject.googlePolygon; 		else if(mapObject instanceof WPGMZA.Polyline) 			this.googleObject = mapObject.googlePolyline; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleInfoWindow.prototype.createGoogleInfoWindow = function() 	{ 		if(this.googleInfoWindow) 			return; 		 		this.googleInfoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Opens the info window 	 * @return boolean FALSE if the info window should not & will not open, TRUE if it will 	 */ = function(map, mapObject) 	{ 		var self = this; 		 		if(!, map, mapObject)) 			return false; 		 		this.createGoogleInfoWindow(); 		this.setMapObject(mapObject);, 			this.googleObject 		); 		 		if(this.content) 			this.googleInfoWindow.setContent(this.content); 		 		//this. 		 		/*this.getContent(function(html) { 			 			// Wrap HTML with unique ID 			var guid = WPGMZA.guid(); 			var html = "<div id='" + guid + "'>" + html + "</div>"; 			var div, intervalID; 			 			self.googleInfoWindow.setContent(html);, 				self.googleObject 			); 			 			intervalID = setInterval(function(event) { 				 				div = $("#" + guid); 				 				if(div.find(".gm-style-iw").length) 				{ 					div[0].wpgmzaMapObject = self.mapObject; 					 					self.dispatchEvent("infowindowopen"); 					div.trigger("infowindowopen"); 					clearInterval(intervalID); 				} 				 			}, 50); 			 		});*/ 		 		return true; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleInfoWindow.prototype.close = function() 	{ 		if(!this.googleInfoWindow) 			return;; 		 		this.googleInfoWindow.close(); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleInfoWindow.prototype.setContent = function(html) 	{ 		this.content = html; 		 		this.createGoogleInfoWindow(); 		 		this.googleInfoWindow.setContent(html); 	} 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/google-maps/google-map.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module GoogleMap  * @requires WPGMZA.Map  * @pro-requires WPGMZA.ProMap  */ (function($) { 	var Parent; 	 	/** 	 * Constructor 	 * @param element to contain the map 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap = function(element, options) 	{ 		var self = this; 		 		if(! 			throw new Error("Google API not loaded - " + wpgmza_api_not_enqueued_reason);, element, options); 		 		this.loadGoogleMap(); 		 		if(options) 			this.setOptions(options); 			 		google.maps.event.addListener(this.googleMap, "click", function(event) { 			self.dispatchEvent("click"); 		}); 		 		google.maps.event.addListener(this.googleMap, "rightclick", function(event) { 			var wpgmzaEvent = new WPGMZA.Event("rightclick"); 			wpgmzaEvent.latLng = { 				lat:, 				lng: event.latLng.lng() 			}; 			self.dispatchEvent(wpgmzaEvent); 		}); 		 		google.maps.event.addListener(this.googleMap, "dragend", function(event) { 			self.dispatchEvent("dragend"); 		}); 		 		google.maps.event.addListener(this.googleMap, "zoom_changed", function(event) { 			self.dispatchEvent("zoom_changed"); 			self.dispatchEvent("zoomchanged"); 		}); 		 		// Idle event 		google.maps.event.addListener(this.googleMap, "idle", function(event) { 			self.onIdle(event); 		}); 		 		// Dispatch event 		if(!WPGMZA.isProVersion()) 		{ 			this.dispatchEvent("created");{type: "mapcreated", map: this}); 		} 	} 	 	// If we're running the Pro version, inherit from ProMap, otherwise, inherit from Map 	if(WPGMZA.isProVersion()) 	{ 		Parent = WPGMZA.ProMap; 		WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype = Object.create(WPGMZA.ProMap.prototype); 	} 	else 	{ 		Parent = WPGMZA.Map; 		WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype = Object.create(WPGMZA.Map.prototype); 	} 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype.constructor = WPGMZA.GoogleMap; 	 	/** 	 * Creates the Google Maps map 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype.loadGoogleMap = function() 	{ 		var self = this; 		var options = this.settings.toGoogleMapsOptions(); 		 		this.googleMap = new google.maps.Map(this.engineElement, options); 		google.maps.event.addListener(this.googleMap, "bounds_changed", function() {  			self.onBoundsChanged(); 		}); 		 		if(this.settings.bicycle) 			this.enableBicycleLayer(true); 		if(this.settings.traffic) 			this.enableTrafficLayer(true); 		if(this.settings.transport) 			this.enablePublicTransportLayer(true); 		this.showPointsOfInterest(this.settings.show_points_of_interest); 		 		// Move the loading wheel into the map element (it has to live outside in the HTML file because it'll be overwritten by Google otherwise) 		$(this.engineElement).append($(this.element).find(".wpgmza-loader")); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype.setOptions = function(options) 	{, options); 		 		this.googleMap.setOptions(this.settings.toGoogleMapsOptions()); 		 		var clone = $.extend({}, options); 		if( instanceof WPGMZA.LatLng || typeof == "object") = { 				lat: parseFloat(, 				lng: parseFloat( 			}; 		 		this.googleMap.setOptions(clone); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Adds the specified marker to this map 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype.addMarker = function(marker) 	{ 		marker.googleMarker.setMap(this.googleMap);, marker); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Removes the specified marker from this map 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype.removeMarker = function(marker) 	{ 		marker.googleMarker.setMap(null);, marker); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Adds the specified polygon to this map 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype.addPolygon = function(polygon) 	{ 		polygon.googlePolygon.setMap(this.googleMap);, polygon); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Removes the specified polygon from this map 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype.removePolygon = function(polygon) 	{ 		polygon.googlePolygon.setMap(null);, polygon); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Adds the specified polyline to this map 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype.addPolyline = function(polyline) 	{ 		polyline.googlePolyline.setMap(this.googleMap);, polyline); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Removes the specified polygon from this map 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype.removePolyline = function(polyline) 	{ 		polyline.googlePolyline.setMap(null);, polyline); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype.addCircle = function(circle) 	{ 		circle.googleCircle.setMap(this.googleMap);, circle); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype.removeCircle = function(circle) 	{ 		circle.googleCircle.setMap(null);, circle); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Delegate for google maps getCenter 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype.getCenter = function() 	{ 		var latLng = this.googleMap.getCenter(); 		 		return { 			lat:, 			lng: latLng.lng() 		}; 	} 	 	/** 	 * Delegate for google maps setCenter 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype.setCenter = function(latLng) 	{, latLng); 		 		if(latLng instanceof WPGMZA.LatLng) 			this.googleMap.setCenter({ 				lat:, 				lng: latLng.lng 			}); 		else 			this.googleMap.setCenter(latLng); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Delegate for google maps setPan 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype.panTo = function(latLng) 	{ 		if(latLng instanceof WPGMZA.LatLng) 			this.googleMap.panTo({ 				lat:, 				lng: latLng.lng 			}); 		else 			this.googleMap.panTo(latLng); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Delegate for google maps getCenter 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype.getZoom = function() 	{ 		return this.googleMap.getZoom(); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Delegate for google maps getZoom 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype.setZoom = function(value) 	{ 		return this.googleMap.setZoom(value); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Gets the bounds 	 * @return object 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype.getBounds = function() 	{ 		var bounds = this.googleMap.getBounds(); 		var northEast = bounds.getNorthEast(); 		var southWest = bounds.getSouthWest(); 		 		return { 			topLeft: { 				lat:, 				lng: southWest.lng() 			}, 			bottomRight: { 				lat:, 				lng: northEast.lng() 			} 		}; 	} 	 	/** 	 * Fit to given boundaries 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype.fitBounds = function(southWest, northEast) 	{ 		if(southWest instanceof WPGMZA.LatLng) 			southWest = {lat:, lng: southWest.lng}; 		if(northEast instanceof WPGMZA.LatLng) 			northEast = {lat:, lng: northEast.lng}; 		 		this.googleMap.fitBounds(southWest, northEast); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Fit the map boundaries to visible markers 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype.fitBoundsToVisibleMarkers = function() 	{ 		var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); 		for(var i = 0; i < this.markers.length; i++) 		{ 			if(markers[i].getVisible()) 				bounds.extend(markers[i].getPosition()); 		} 		this.googleMap.fitBounds(bounds); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Enables / disables the bicycle layer 	 * @param enable boolean, enable or not 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype.enableBicycleLayer = function(enable) 	{ 		if(!this.bicycleLayer) 			this.bicycleLayer = new google.maps.BicyclingLayer(); 		 		this.bicycleLayer.setMap( 			enable ? this.googleMap : null 		); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Enables / disables the bicycle layer 	 * @param enable boolean, enable or not 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype.enableTrafficLayer = function(enable) 	{ 		if(!this.trafficLayer) 			this.trafficLayer = new google.maps.TrafficLayer(); 		 		this.trafficLayer.setMap( 			enable ? this.googleMap : null 		); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Enables / disables the bicycle layer 	 * @param enable boolean, enable or not 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype.enablePublicTransportLayer = function(enable) 	{ 		if(!this.publicTransportLayer) 			this.publicTransportLayer = new google.maps.TransitLayer(); 		 		this.publicTransportLayer.setMap( 			enable ? this.googleMap : null 		); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Shows / hides points of interest 	 * @param show boolean, enable or not 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype.showPointsOfInterest = function(show) 	{ 		// TODO: This will bug the front end because there is textarea with theme data 		var text = $("textarea[name='theme_data']").val(); 		 		if(!text) 			return; 		 		var styles = JSON.parse(text); 		 		styles.push({ 			featureType: "poi", 			stylers: [ 				{ 					visibility: (show ? "on" : "off") 				} 			] 		}); 		 		this.googleMap.setOptions({styles: styles}); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Gets the min zoom of the map 	 * @return int 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype.getMinZoom = function() 	{ 		return parseInt(this.settings.min_zoom); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Sets the min zoom of the map 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype.setMinZoom = function(value) 	{ 		this.googleMap.setOptions({ 			minZoom: value, 			maxZoom: this.getMaxZoom() 		}); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Gets the min zoom of the map 	 * @return int 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype.getMaxZoom = function() 	{ 		return parseInt(this.settings.max_zoom); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Sets the min zoom of the map 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype.setMaxZoom = function(value) 	{ 		this.googleMap.setOptions({ 			minZoom: this.getMinZoom(), 			maxZoom: value 		}); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype.latLngToPixels = function(latLng) 	{ 		var map = this.googleMap; 		var nativeLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng({ 			lat: parseFloat(, 			lng: parseFloat(latLng.lng) 		}); 		var topRight = map.getProjection().fromLatLngToPoint(map.getBounds().getNorthEast()); 		var bottomLeft = map.getProjection().fromLatLngToPoint(map.getBounds().getSouthWest()); 		var scale = Math.pow(2, map.getZoom()); 		var worldPoint = map.getProjection().fromLatLngToPoint(nativeLatLng); 		return { 			x: (worldPoint.x - bottomLeft.x) * scale,  			y: (worldPoint.y - topRight.y) * scale 		}; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype.pixelsToLatLng = function(x, y) 	{ 		if(y == undefined) 		{ 			if("x" in x && "y" in x) 			{ 				y = x.y; 				x = x.x; 			} 			else 				console.warn("Y coordinate undefined in pixelsToLatLng (did you mean to pass 2 arguments?)"); 		} 		 		var map = this.googleMap; 		var topRight = map.getProjection().fromLatLngToPoint(map.getBounds().getNorthEast()); 		var bottomLeft = map.getProjection().fromLatLngToPoint(map.getBounds().getSouthWest()); 		var scale = Math.pow(2, map.getZoom()); 		var worldPoint = new google.maps.Point(x / scale + bottomLeft.x, y / scale + topRight.y); 		var latLng = map.getProjection().fromPointToLatLng(worldPoint); 		return { 			lat:, 			lng: latLng.lng() 		}; 	} 	 	/** 	 * Handle the map element resizing 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GoogleMap.prototype.onElementResized = function(event) 	{ 		if(!this.googleMap) 			return; 		google.maps.event.trigger(this.googleMap, "resize"); 	} 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/google-maps/google-marker.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module GoogleMarker  * @requires WPGMZA.Marker  * @pro-requires WPGMZA.ProMarker  */ (function($) { 	 	var Parent; 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleMarker = function(row) 	{ 		var self = this;, row); 		 		this.googleMarker = new google.maps.Marker(/*this.settings*/); 		this.googleMarker.wpgmzaMarker = this; 		 		this.googleMarker.setPosition(new google.maps.LatLng({ 			lat: parseFloat(, 			lng: parseFloat(this.lng) 		})); 			 		this.googleMarker.setLabel(this.settings.label); 		 		if(this.animation) 			this.googleMarker.setAnimation(this.animation); 			 		google.maps.event.addListener(this.googleMarker, "click", function() { 			self.dispatchEvent("click"); 			self.dispatchEvent("select"); 		}); 		 		google.maps.event.addListener(this.googleMarker, "mouseover", function() { 			self.dispatchEvent("mouseover"); 		}); 		 		google.maps.event.addListener(this.googleMarker, "dragend", function() { 			var googleMarkerPosition = self.googleMarker.getPosition(); 			 			self.setPosition({ 				lat:, 				lng: googleMarkerPosition.lng() 			}); 			 			self.dispatchEvent("dragend"); 		}); 		 		this.trigger("init"); 	} 	 	if(WPGMZA.isProVersion()) 		Parent = WPGMZA.ProMarker; 	else 		Parent = WPGMZA.Marker; 	WPGMZA.GoogleMarker.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype); 	WPGMZA.GoogleMarker.prototype.constructor = WPGMZA.GoogleMarker; 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleMarker.prototype.setLabel = function(label) 	{ 		if(!label) 		{ 			this.googleMarker.setLabel(null); 			return; 		} 		 		this.googleMarker.setLabel({ 			text: label 		}); 		 		if(!this.googleMarker.getIcon()) 			this.googleMarker.setIcon(WPGMZA.settings.default_marker_icon); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Sets the position of the marker 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GoogleMarker.prototype.setPosition = function(latLng) 	{, latLng); 		this.googleMarker.setPosition({ 			lat:, 			lng: this.lng 		}); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Sets the position offset of a marker 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GoogleMarker.prototype.setOffset = function(x, y) 	{ 		var self = this; 		var icon = this.googleMarker.getIcon(); 		var img = new Image(); 		var params; 		 		if(typeof icon == "string") 			params = { 				url: icon 			}; 		else 			params = icon; 		 		img.onload = function() 		{ 			var defaultAnchor = { 				x: img.width / 2, 				y: img.height 			}; 			 			params.anchor = new google.maps.Point(defaultAnchor.x - x, defaultAnchor.y - y); 			 			self.googleMarker.setIcon(params); 		} 		 		img.src = params.url; 	} 	 	/** 	 * Set the marker animation 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GoogleMarker.prototype.setAnimation = function(animation) 	{, animation); 		this.googleMarker.setAnimation(animation); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Sets the visibility of the marker 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GoogleMarker.prototype.setVisible = function(visible) 	{, visible); 		 		this.googleMarker.setVisible(visible); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleMarker.prototype.setDraggable = function(draggable) 	{ 		this.googleMarker.setDraggable(draggable); 	} 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/google-maps/google-modern-store-locator-circle.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module GoogleModernStoreLocatorCircle  * @requires WPGMZA.ModernStoreLocatorCircle  */ (function($) { 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleModernStoreLocatorCircle = function(map, settings) 	{ 		var self = this;, map, settings); 		 		this.intervalID = setInterval(function() { 			 			var mapSize = { 				width: $(self.mapElement).width(), 				height: $(self.mapElement).height() 			}; 			 			if(mapSize.width == self.mapSize.width && mapSize.height == self.mapSize.height) 				return; 			 			self.canvasLayer.resize_(); 			self.canvasLayer.draw(); 			 			self.mapSize = mapSize; 			 		}, 1000); 		 		$(document).bind('webkitfullscreenchange mozfullscreenchange fullscreenchange', function() { 			 			self.canvasLayer.resize_(); 			self.canvasLayer.draw(); 			 		}); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype = Object.create(WPGMZA.ModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype); 	WPGMZA.GoogleModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.constructor = WPGMZA.GoogleModernStoreLocatorCircle; 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.initCanvasLayer = function() 	{ 		var self = this; 		 		if(this.canvasLayer) 		{ 			this.canvasLayer.setMap(null); 			this.canvasLayer.setAnimate(false); 		} 		 		this.canvasLayer = new CanvasLayer({ 			map:, 			resizeHandler: function(event) { 				self.onResize(event); 			}, 			updateHandler: function(event) { 				self.onUpdate(event); 			}, 			animate: true, 			resolutionScale: this.getResolutionScale()         }); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.setOptions = function(options) 	{, options); 		 		this.canvasLayer.scheduleUpdate(); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.setPosition = function(position) 	{, position); 		 		this.canvasLayer.scheduleUpdate(); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.setRadius = function(radius) 	{, radius); 		 		this.canvasLayer.scheduleUpdate(); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.getTransformedRadius = function(km) 	{ 		var multiplierAtEquator = 0.006395; 		var spherical = google.maps.geometry.spherical; 		 		var center =; 		var equator = new WPGMZA.LatLng({ 			lat: 0.0, 			lng: 0.0 		}); 		var latitude = new WPGMZA.LatLng({ 			lat:, 			lng: 0.0 		}); 		 		var offsetAtEquator = spherical.computeOffset(equator.toGoogleLatLng(), km * 1000, 90); 		var offsetAtLatitude = spherical.computeOffset(latitude.toGoogleLatLng(), km * 1000, 90); 		 		var factor = offsetAtLatitude.lng() / offsetAtEquator.lng(); 		var result = km * multiplierAtEquator * factor; 		 		if(isNaN(result)) 			throw new Error("here"); 		 		return result; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.getCanvasDimensions = function() 	{ 		return { 			width: this.canvasLayer.canvas.width, 			height: this.canvasLayer.canvas.height 		}; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.getWorldOriginOffset = function() 	{ 		var projection =; 		var position = projection.fromLatLngToPoint(this.canvasLayer.getTopLeft()); 		 		return { 			x: -position.x, 			y: -position.y 		}; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.getCenterPixels = function() 	{ 		var center = new WPGMZA.LatLng(; 		var projection =; 		return projection.fromLatLngToPoint(center.toGoogleLatLng()); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.getContext = function(type) 	{ 		return this.canvasLayer.canvas.getContext("2d"); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.getScale = function() 	{ 		return Math.pow(2, * this.getResolutionScale(); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.setVisible = function(visible) 	{, visible); 		 		this.canvasLayer.scheduleUpdate(); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.destroy = function() 	{ 		this.canvasLayer.setMap(null); 		this.canvasLayer = null; 		 		clearInterval(this.intervalID); 	} 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/google-maps/google-modern-store-locator.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module GoogleModernStoreLocator  * @requires WPGMZA.ModernStoreLocator  */ (function($) { 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleModernStoreLocator = function(map_id) 	{, map_id); 		 		var googleMap; 		 		if(WPGMZA.isProVersion()) 			googleMap = MYMAP[map_id].map.googleMap; 		else 			googleMap =; 		 		googleMap.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_CENTER].push(this.element); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleModernStoreLocator.prototype = Object.create(WPGMZA.ModernStoreLocator.prototype); 	WPGMZA.GoogleModernStoreLocator.prototype.constructor = WPGMZA.GoogleModernStoreLocator; 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/google-maps/google-polygon.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module GooglePolygon  * @requires WPGMZA.Polygon  * @pro-requires WPGMZA.ProPolygon  */ (function($) { 	 	var Parent; 	 	WPGMZA.GooglePolygon = function(row, googlePolygon) 	{ 		var self = this;, row, googlePolygon); 		 		if(googlePolygon) 		{ 			this.googlePolygon = googlePolygon; 		} 		else 		{ 			this.googlePolygon = new google.maps.Polygon(this.settings); 			 			if(row && row.points) 			{ 				var paths = this.parseGeometry(row.points); 				this.googlePolygon.setOptions({paths: paths}); 			} 		} 		 		this.googlePolygon.wpgmzaPolygon = this; 			 		google.maps.event.addListener(this.googlePolygon, "click", function() { 			self.dispatchEvent({type: "click"}); 		}); 	} 	 	if(WPGMZA.isProVersion()) 		Parent = WPGMZA.ProPolygon; 	else 		Parent = WPGMZA.Polygon; 		 	WPGMZA.GooglePolygon.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype); 	WPGMZA.GooglePolygon.prototype.constructor = WPGMZA.GooglePolygon; 	 	/** 	 * Returns true if the polygon is editable 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GooglePolygon.prototype.getEditable = function() 	{ 		return this.googlePolygon.getOptions().editable; 	} 	 	/** 	 * Sets the editable state of the polygon 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GooglePolygon.prototype.setEditable = function(value) 	{ 		this.googlePolygon.setOptions({editable: value}); 	} 	 	/** 	 * Returns the polygon represented by a JSON object 	 * @return object 	 */ 	WPGMZA.GooglePolygon.prototype.toJSON = function() 	{ 		var result =; 		 		result.points = []; 		 		// TODO: Support holes using multiple paths 		var path = this.googlePolygon.getPath(); 		for(var i = 0; i < path.getLength(); i++) 		{ 			var latLng = path.getAt(i); 			result.points.push({ 				lat:, 				lng: latLng.lng() 			}); 		} 		 		return result; 	} 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/google-maps/google-polyline.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module GooglePolyline  * @requires WPGMZA.Polyline  */ (function($) { 	 	WPGMZA.GooglePolyline = function(row, googlePolyline) 	{ 		var self = this;, row, googlePolyline); 		 		if(googlePolyline) 		{ 			this.googlePolyline = googlePolyline; 		} 		else 		{ 			this.googlePolyline = new google.maps.Polyline(this.settings);			 			this.googlePolyline.wpgmzaPolyline = this; 			 			if(row && row.points) 			{ 				var path = this.parseGeometry(row.points); 				this.setPoints(path); 			} 		} 		 		google.maps.event.addListener(this.googlePolyline, "click", function() { 			self.dispatchEvent({type: "click"}); 		}); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GooglePolyline.prototype = Object.create(WPGMZA.Polyline.prototype); 	WPGMZA.GooglePolyline.prototype.constructor = WPGMZA.GooglePolyline; 	 	WPGMZA.GooglePolyline.prototype.setEditable = function(value) 	{ 		this.googlePolyline.setOptions({editable: value}); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GooglePolyline.prototype.setPoints = function(points) 	{ 		this.googlePolyline.setOptions({path: points}); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GooglePolyline.prototype.toJSON = function() 	{ 		var result =; 		 		result.points = []; 		 		var path = this.googlePolyline.getPath(); 		for(var i = 0; i < path.getLength(); i++) 		{ 			var latLng = path.getAt(i); 			result.points.push({ 				lat:, 				lng: latLng.lng() 			}); 		} 		 		return result; 	} 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/google-maps/google-vertex-context-menu.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module GoogleVertexContextMenu  * @requires wpgmza_api_call  */ (function($) { 	 	if(WPGMZA.settings.engine != "google-maps") 		return; 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleVertexContextMenu = function(mapEditPage) 	{ 		var self = this; 		 		this.mapEditPage = mapEditPage; 		 		this.element = document.createElement("div"); 		this.element.className = "wpgmza-vertex-context-menu"; 		this.element.innerHTML = "Delete"; 		 		google.maps.event.addDomListener(this.element, "click", function(event) { 			self.removeVertex(); 			event.preventDefault(); 			event.stopPropagation(); 			return false; 		}); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleVertexContextMenu.prototype = new google.maps.OverlayView(); 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleVertexContextMenu.prototype.onAdd = function() 	{ 		var self = this; 		var map = this.getMap(); 		 		this.getPanes().floatPane.appendChild(this.element); 		this.divListener = google.maps.event.addDomListener(map.getDiv(), "mousedown", function(e) { 			if( != self.element) 				self.close(); 		}, true); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleVertexContextMenu.prototype.onRemove = function() 	{ 		google.maps.event.removeListener(this.divListener); 		this.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.element); 		 		this.set("position"); 		this.set("path"); 		this.set("vertex"); 	} = function(map, path, vertex) 	{ 		this.set('position', path.getAt(vertex)); 		this.set('path', path); 		this.set('vertex', vertex); 		this.setMap(map); 		this.draw(); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleVertexContextMenu.prototype.close = function() 	{ 		this.setMap(null); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleVertexContextMenu.prototype.draw = function() 	{ 		var position = this.get('position'); 		var projection = this.getProjection();  		if (!position || !projection) 		  return;  		var point = projection.fromLatLngToDivPixel(position); = point.y + 'px'; = point.x + 'px'; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.GoogleVertexContextMenu.prototype.removeVertex = function() 	{ 		var path = this.get('path'); 		var vertex = this.get('vertex');  		if (!path || vertex == undefined) { 		  this.close(); 		  return; 		}  		path.removeAt(vertex); 		this.close(); 	} 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/open-layers/ol-circle.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module OLCircle  * @requires WPGMZA.Circle  */ (function($) { 	 	var Parent = WPGMZA.Circle; 	 	WPGMZA.OLCircle = function(options, olFeature) 	{ 		var self = this; = {lat: 0, lng: 0}; 		this.radius = 0;, options, olFeature); 		 		if(!this.settings.fillColor) 		{ 			this.settings.fillColor = "#ff0000"; 			this.settings.fillOpacity = 0.6; 		} 		 		this.olStyle = new; 		 		// IMPORTANT: Please note that due to what appears to be a bug in OpenLayers, the following code MUST be exected specifically in this order, or the circle won't appear 		var vectorLayer3857 = new ol.layer.Vector({ 			source: new ol.source.Vector(), 			style: this.olStyle 		}); 		 		if(olFeature) 		{ 			this.olFeature = olFeature; 		} 		else 		{ 			var wgs84Sphere = new ol.Sphere(6378137); 			var radius = this.radius; 			var x, y; 			 			x =; 			y =; 			 			var circle4326 = ol.geom.Polygon.circular(wgs84Sphere, [x, y], radius, 64); 			var circle3857 = circle4326.clone().transform('EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857'); 			 			vectorLayer3857.getSource().addFeature(new ol.Feature(circle3857)); 		} 		 		this.layer = vectorLayer3857;; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLCircle.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype); 	WPGMZA.OLCircle.prototype.constructor = WPGMZA.OLCircle; 	 	WPGMZA.OLCircle.prototype.getStyleFromSettings = function() 	{ 		var params = {}; 				 		if(this.settings.strokeOpacity) 			params.stroke = new{ 				color: WPGMZA.hexOpacityToRGBA(this.settings.strokeColor, this.settings.strokeOpacity) 			}); 		 		if(this.settings.fillOpacity) 			params.fill = new{ 				color: WPGMZA.hexOpacityToRGBA(this.settings.fillColor, this.settings.fillOpacity) 			}); 			 		return params; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLCircle.prototype.updateStyleFromSettings = function() 	{ 		// Re-create the style - working on it directly doesn't cause a re-render 		var params = this.getStyleFromSettings(); 		this.olStyle = new; 		this.layer.setStyle(this.olStyle); 	} 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/open-layers/ol-geocoder.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module OLGeocoder  * @requires WPGMZA.Geocoder  */ (function($) { 	 	/** 	 * @class OLGeocoder 	 * @extends Geocoder 	 * @summary OpenLayers geocoder - uses Nominatim by default 	 */ 	WPGMZA.OLGeocoder = function() 	{ 		 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLGeocoder.prototype = Object.create(WPGMZA.Geocoder.prototype); 	WPGMZA.OLGeocoder.prototype.constructor = WPGMZA.OLGeocoder; 	 	/** 	 * @function getResponseFromCache 	 * @access protected 	 * @summary Tries to retrieve cached coordinates from server cache 	 * @param {string} address The street address to geocode 	 * @param {function} callback Where to send the results, as an array 	 * @return {void} 	 */ 	WPGMZA.OLGeocoder.prototype.getResponseFromCache = function(address, callback) 	{ 		$.ajax(WPGMZA.ajaxurl, { 			data: { 				action: "wpgmza_query_nominatim_cache", 				query: address 			}, 			success: function(response, xhr, status) { 				callback(response); 			} 		}); 	} 	 	/** 	 * @function getResponseFromNominatim 	 * @access protected 	 * @summary Queries Nominatim on the specified address 	 * @param {object} options An object containing the options for geocoding, address is a mandatory field 	 * @param {function} callback The function to send the results to, as an array 	 */ 	WPGMZA.OLGeocoder.prototype.getResponseFromNominatim = function(options, callback) 	{ 		var data = { 			q: options.address, 			format: "json" 		}; 		 		if( 			data.countrycodes =; 		 		$.ajax("", { 			data: data, 			success: function(response, xhr, status) { 				callback(response); 			}, 			error: function(response, xhr, status) { 				callback(null, WPGMZA.Geocoder.FAIL) 			} 		}); 	} 	 	/** 	 * @function cacheResponse 	 * @access protected 	 * @summary Caches a response on the server, usually after it's been returned from Nominatim 	 * @param {string} address The street address 	 * @param {object|array} response The response to cache 	 * @returns {void} 	 */ 	WPGMZA.OLGeocoder.prototype.cacheResponse = function(address, response) 	{ 		$.ajax(WPGMZA.ajaxurl, { 			data: { 				action: "wpgmza_store_nominatim_cache", 				query: address, 				response: JSON.stringify(response) 			}, 			method: "POST" 		}); 	} 	 	/** 	 * @function getLatLngFromAddress 	 * @access public 	 * @summary Attempts to geocode an address, firstly by checking the cache for previous 	 * results, if this fails the Nominatim server will be queried, cached and sent to the 	 * specified callback 	 * @param {object} options An object containing the options for geocoding, address is a mandatory field 	 * @param {function} callback The function to send the results to, as an array 	 * @returns {void} 	 */ 	WPGMZA.OLGeocoder.prototype.getLatLngFromAddress = function(options, callback) 	{ 		var self = this; 		var address = options.address; 		 		var latLng; 		if(latLng = WPGMZA.isLatLngString(address)) 			return, options, callback); 		 		function finish(response, status) 		{ 			for(var i = 0; i < response.length; i++) 			{ 				response[i].geometry = { 					location: new WPGMZA.LatLng({ 						lat: parseFloat(response[i].lat), 						lng: parseFloat(response[i].lon) 					}) 				}; 				 				response[i].lat = parseFloat(response[i].lat); 				response[i].lng = parseFloat(response[i].lon); 			} 			 			callback(response, status); 		} 		 		this.getResponseFromCache(address, function(response) { 			if(response.length) 			{ 				finish(response, WPGMZA.Geocoder.SUCCESS); 				return; 			} 			 			self.getResponseFromNominatim(options, function(response, status) { 				if(status == WPGMZA.Geocoder.FAIL) 				{ 					callback(null, WPGMZA.Geocoder.FAIL); 					return; 				} 				 				if(response.length == 0) 				{ 					callback(response, WPGMZA.Geocoder.ZERO_RESULTS); 					return; 				} 				 				finish(response, WPGMZA.Geocoder.SUCCESS); 				 				self.cacheResponse(address, response); 			}); 		}); 	} 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/open-layers/ol-info-window.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module OLInfoWindow  * @requires WPGMZA.InfoWindow  * @pro-requires WPGMZA.ProInfoWindow  */ (function($) { 	 	var Parent; 	 	WPGMZA.OLInfoWindow = function(mapObject) 	{ 		var self = this;, mapObject); 		 		this.element = $("<div class='ol-info-window-container ol-info-window-plain'></div>")[0]; 			 		$(this.element).on("click", ".ol-info-window-close", function(event) { 			self.close(); 		}); 	} 	 	if(WPGMZA.isProVersion()) 		Parent = WPGMZA.ProInfoWindow; 	else 		Parent = WPGMZA.InfoWindow; 	 	WPGMZA.OLInfoWindow.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype); 	WPGMZA.OLInfoWindow.prototype.constructor = WPGMZA.OLInfoWindow; 	 	/** 	 * Opens the info window 	 * TODO: This should take a mapObject, not an event 	 * @return boolean FALSE if the info window should not & will not open, TRUE if it will 	 */ = function(map, mapObject) 	{ 		var self = this; 		var latLng = mapObject.getPosition(); 		 		if(!, map, mapObject)) 			return false; 		 		if(this.overlay); 			 		this.overlay = new ol.Overlay({ 			element: this.element 		}); 		 		this.overlay.setPosition(ol.proj.fromLonLat([ 			latLng.lng, 		]));; 		 		$(this.element).show(); 		 		this.dispatchEvent("infowindowopen"); 		$(this.element).trigger("infowindowopen.wpgmza"); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLInfoWindow.prototype.close = function(event) 	{ 		// TODO: Why? This shouldn't have to be here. Removing the overlay should hide the element (it doesn't) 		$(this.element).hide(); 		 		if(!this.overlay) 			return;;; 		this.overlay = null; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLInfoWindow.prototype.setContent = function(html) 	{ 		$(this.element).html("<i class='fa fa-times ol-info-window-close' aria-hidden='true'></i>" + html); 	} 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/open-layers/ol-map.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module OLMap  * @requires WPGMZA.Map  * @pro-requires WPGMZA.ProMap  */ (function($) { 	 	var Parent; 	 	WPGMZA.OLMap = function(element, options) 	{ 		var self = this;, element); 		 		this.setOptions(options); 		 		var viewOptions = this.settings.toOLViewOptions(); 		 		$(this.element).html(""); 		 		this.olMap = new ol.Map({ 			target: $(element)[0], 			layers: [ 				new ol.layer.Tile({ 					source: new ol.source.OSM() 				}) 			], 			view: new ol.View(viewOptions) 		}); 		 		// TODO: Re-implement using correct setting names 		// Interactions 		this.olMap.getInteractions().forEach(function(interaction) { 			 			// NB: The true and false values are flipped because these settings represent the "disabled" state when true 			if(interaction instanceof ol.interaction.DragPan) 				interaction.setActive( (this.settings.map_draggable ? false : true) ); 			else if(interaction instanceof ol.interaction.DoubleClickZoom) 				interaction.setActive( (this.settings.map_clickzoom ? false : true) ); 			else if(interaction instanceof ol.interaction.MouseWheelZoom) 				interaction.setActive( (this.settings.map_scroll ? false : true) ); 			 		}, this); 		 		// Controls 		this.olMap.getControls().forEach(function(control) { 			 			// NB: The true and false values are flipped because these settings represent the "disabled" state when true 			if(control instanceof ol.control.Zoom && this.settings.map_zoom) 				this.olMap.removeControl(control); 			 		}, this); 		 		if(!this.settings.map_full_screen_control) 			this.olMap.addControl(new ol.control.FullScreen()); 		 		// Marker layer 		this.markerLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({ 			source: new ol.source.Vector({ 				features: [] 			}) 		}); 		this.olMap.addLayer(this.markerLayer); 		 		// Listen for end of pan so we can wrap longitude if needs be 		this.olMap.on("moveend", function(event) { 			self.wrapLongitude(); 			self.dispatchEvent("dragend"); 			self.onIdle(); 		}); 		 		// Listen for zoom 		this.olMap.getView().on("change:resolution", function(event) { 			self.dispatchEvent("zoom_changed"); 			self.dispatchEvent("zoomchanged"); 			self.onIdle(); 			 			$(self.element).trigger("zoomchanged.wpgmza"); 		}); 		 		// Listen for bounds changing 		this.olMap.getView().on("change", function() { 			// Wrap longitude 			self.onBoundsChanged(); 		}); 		self.onBoundsChanged(); 		 		// Store locator center 		var marker; 		if(this.storeLocator && (marker = this.storeLocator.centerPointMarker)) 		{ 			this.olMap.addOverlay(marker.overlay); 			marker.setVisible(false); 		} 		 		// Cycling layer 		console.log(this.settings); 		 		// Right click listener 		$(this.element).on("click contextmenu", function(event) { 			 			var isRight; 			event = event || window.event; 			 			if("which" in event) 				isRight = event.which == 3; 			else if("button" in event) 				isRight = event.button == 2; 			 			if(!isRight) 				return; 			 			return self.onRightClick(event); 		}); 		 		// Dispatch event 		if(!WPGMZA.isProVersion()) 		{ 			this.dispatchEvent("created");{type: "mapcreated", map: this}); 		} 	}  	if(WPGMZA.isProVersion()) 		Parent = WPGMZA.ProMap; 	else 		Parent = WPGMZA.Map; 	 	WPGMZA.OLMap.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype); 	WPGMZA.OLMap.prototype.constructor = WPGMZA.OLMap; 	 	WPGMZA.OLMap.prototype.wrapLongitude = function() 	{ 		var center = this.getCenter(); 		 		if(center.lng >= -180 && center.lng <= 180) 			return; 		 		center.lng = center.lng - 360 * Math.floor(center.lng / 360); 		 		if(center.lng > 180) 			center.lng -= 360; 		 		this.setCenter(center); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLMap.prototype.getCenter = function() 	{ 		var lonLat = ol.proj.toLonLat( 			this.olMap.getView().getCenter() 		); 		return { 			lat: lonLat[1], 			lng: lonLat[0] 		}; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLMap.prototype.setCenter = function(latLng) 	{ 		var view = this.olMap.getView();, latLng); 		 		view.setCenter(ol.proj.fromLonLat([ 			latLng.lng, 		])); 		 		this.wrapLongitude();  		this.onBoundsChanged(); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLMap.prototype.getBounds = function() 	{ 		var bounds = this.olMap.getView().calculateExtent(this.olMap.getSize()); 		 		var topLeft = ol.proj.toLonLat([bounds[0], bounds[1]]); 		var bottomRight = ol.proj.toLonLat([bounds[2], bounds[3]]); 		 		return { 			topLeft: { 				lat: topLeft[1], 				lng: topLeft[0] 			}, 			bottomRight: { 				lat: bottomRight[1], 				lng: bottomRight[0] 			} 		}; 	} 	 	/** 	 * Fit to given boundaries 	 * @return void 	 */ 	WPGMZA.OLMap.prototype.fitBounds = function(southWest, northEast) 	{ 		this.olMap.getView().fitExtent( 			[southWest.lng,, northEast.lng,], 			this.olMap.getSize() 		); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLMap.prototype.panTo = function(latLng) 	{ 		var view = this.olMap.getView(); 		view.animate({ 			center: ol.proj.fromLonLat([ 				parseFloat(latLng.lng), 				parseFloat(, 			]), 			duration: 500 		}); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLMap.prototype.getZoom = function() 	{ 		return Math.round( this.olMap.getView().getZoom() ) + 1; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLMap.prototype.setZoom = function(value) 	{ 		this.olMap.getView().setZoom(value); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLMap.prototype.getMinZoom = function() 	{ 		return this.olMap.getView().getMinZoom(); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLMap.prototype.setMinZoom = function(value) 	{ 		this.olMap.getView().setMinZoom(value); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLMap.prototype.getMaxZoom = function() 	{ 		return this.olMap.getView().getMaxZoom(); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLMap.prototype.setMaxZoom = function(value) 	{ 		this.olMap.getView().setMaxZoom(value); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLMap.prototype.setOptions = function(options) 	{, options); 		 		if(!this.olMap) 			return; 		 		this.olMap.getView().setProperties( this.settings.toOLViewOptions() ); 	} 	 	/** 	 * TODO: Consider moving all these functions to their respective classes, same on google map (DO IT!!! It's very misleading having them here) 	 */ 	WPGMZA.OLMap.prototype.addMarker = function(marker) 	{ 		this.olMap.addOverlay(marker.overlay);, marker); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLMap.prototype.removeMarker = function(marker) 	{ 		this.olMap.removeOverlay(marker.overlay);, marker); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLMap.prototype.addPolygon = function(polygon) 	{ 		this.olMap.addLayer(polygon.layer);, polygon); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLMap.prototype.removePolygon = function(polygon) 	{ 		this.olMap.removeLayer(polygon.layer);, polygon); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLMap.prototype.addPolyline = function(polyline) 	{ 		this.olMap.addLayer(polyline.layer);, polyline); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLMap.prototype.removePolyline = function(polyline) 	{ 		this.olMap.removeLayer(polyline.layer);, polyline); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLMap.prototype.addCircle = function(circle) 	{ 		this.olMap.addLayer(circle.layer);, circle); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLMap.prototype.removeCircle = function(circle) 	{ 		this.olMap.removeLayer(circle.layer);, circle); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLMap.prototype.pixelsToLatLng = function(x, y) 	{ 		if(y == undefined) 		{ 			if("x" in x && "y" in x) 			{ 				y = x.y; 				x = x.x; 			} 			else 				console.warn("Y coordinate undefined in pixelsToLatLng (did you mean to pass 2 arguments?)"); 		} 		 		var coord = this.olMap.getCoordinateFromPixel([x, y]); 		 		if(!coord) 			return { 				x: null, 				y: null 			}; 		 		var lonLat = ol.proj.toLonLat(coord); 		return { 			lat: lonLat[1], 			lng: lonLat[0] 		}; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLMap.prototype.latLngToPixels = function(latLng) 	{ 		var coord = ol.proj.fromLonLat([latLng.lng,]); 		var pixel = this.olMap.getPixelFromCoordinate(coord); 		 		if(!pixel) 			return { 				x: null, 				y: null 			}; 		 		return { 			x: pixel[0], 			y: pixel[1] 		}; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLMap.prototype.enableBicycleLayer = function(value) 	{ 		if(value) 		{ 			if(!this.bicycleLayer) 				this.bicycleLayer = new ol.layer.Tile({ 					source: new ol.source.OSM({ 						url: "http://{a-c}{z}/{x}/{y}.png" 					}) 				}); 				 			this.olMap.addLayer(this.bicycleLayer); 		} 		else 		{ 			if(!this.bicycleLayer) 				return; 			 			this.olMap.removeLayer(this.bicycleLayer); 		} 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLMap.prototype.onElementResized = function(event) 	{ 		this.olMap.updateSize(); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLMap.prototype.onRightClick = function(event) 	{ 		if($(".ol-marker, .wpgmza_modern_infowindow, .wpgmza-modern-store-locator").length) 			return true; 		 		var parentOffset = $(this.element).offset(); 		var relX = event.pageX - parentOffset.left; 		var relY = event.pageY -; 		var latLng = this.pixelsToLatLng(relX, relY); 		 		this.trigger({type: "rightclick", latLng: latLng}); 		$(this.element).trigger("rightclick.wpgmza"); 		 		event.preventDefault(); 		return false; 	} 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/open-layers/ol-marker.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module OLMarker  * @requires WPGMZA.Marker  * @pro-requires WPGMZA.ProMarker  */ (function($) { 	 	var Parent; 	 	WPGMZA.OLMarker = function(row) 	{ 		var self = this;, row);  		var origin = ol.proj.fromLonLat([ 			parseFloat(this.lng), 			parseFloat( 		]); 		 		this.element = $("<div class='ol-marker'><img src='" + WPGMZA.settings.default_marker_icon + "'/></div>")[0]; 		 		$(this.element).on("click", function(event) { 			self.dispatchEvent("click"); 			self.dispatchEvent("select"); 		});  		$(this.element).on("mouseover", function(event) { 			self.dispatchEvent("mouseover"); 		}); 		 		this.overlay = new ol.Overlay({ 			element: this.element 		}); 		this.overlay.setPosition(origin); 		 		if(this.animation) 			this.setAnimation(this.animation); 		 		this.setLabel(this.settings.label); 		 		if(row.draggable) 			this.setDraggable(true); 		 		this.trigger("init"); 	} 	 	if(WPGMZA.isProVersion()) 		Parent = WPGMZA.ProMarker; 	else 		Parent = WPGMZA.Marker; 	WPGMZA.OLMarker.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype); 	WPGMZA.OLMarker.prototype.constructor = WPGMZA.OLMarker; 	 	WPGMZA.OLMarker.prototype.addLabel = function() 	{ 		this.setLabel(this.getLabelText()); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLMarker.prototype.setLabel = function(label) 	{ 		if(!label) 		{ 			if(this.label) 				$(this.element).find(".ol-marker-label").remove(); 			 			return; 		} 		 		if(!this.label) 		{ 			this.label = $("<div class='ol-marker-label'/>"); 			$(this.element).append(this.label); 		} 		 		this.label.html(label); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLMarker.prototype.setVisible = function(visible) 	{ 		Parent.prototype.setVisible(visible); 		 		this.overlay.getElement().style.display = (visible ? "block" : "none"); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLMarker.prototype.setPosition = function(latLng) 	{, latLng); 		 		var origin = ol.proj.fromLonLat([ 			parseFloat(this.lng), 			parseFloat( 		]); 	 		this.overlay.setPosition(origin); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLMarker.prototype.setOffset = function(x, y) 	{ = "relative"; = x + "px"; = y + "px"; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLMarker.prototype.setAnimation = function(anim) 	{, anim); 		 		switch(anim) 		{ 			case WPGMZA.Marker.ANIMATION_NONE: 				$(this.element).removeAttr("data-anim"); 				break; 			 			case WPGMZA.Marker.ANIMATION_BOUNCE: 				$(this.element).attr("data-anim", "bounce"); 				break; 			 			case WPGMZA.Marker.ANIMATION_DROP: 				$(this.element).attr("data-anim", "drop"); 				break; 		} 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLMarker.prototype.setDraggable = function(draggable) 	{ 		var self = this; 		 		if(draggable) 		{ 			var options = { 				disabled: false 			}; 			 			if(!this.jQueryDraggableInitialized) 			{ 				options.stop = function(event) { 					self.onDragEnd(event); 				} 			} 			 			$(this.element).draggable(options); 		} 		else 			$(this.element).draggable({disabled: true}); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLMarker.prototype.onDragEnd = function(event) 	{ 		var offset = { 			top:	parseFloat( $(this.element).css("top").match(/-?\d+/)[0] ), 			left:	parseFloat( $(this.element).css("left").match(/-?\d+/)[0] ) 		}; 		 		$(this.element).css({ 			top: 	"0px", 			left: 	"0px" 		}); 		 		console.log(offset); 		 		var currentLatLng 		= this.getPosition(); 		var pixelsBeforeDrag 	=; 		var pixelsAfterDrag		= { 			x: pixelsBeforeDrag.x + offset.left, 			y: pixelsBeforeDrag.y + 		}; 		var latLngAfterDrag		=; 		 		this.setPosition(latLngAfterDrag); 		 		this.trigger({type: "dragend", latLng: latLngAfterDrag}) 		$(this.element).trigger("dragend.wpgmza"); 	} 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/open-layers/ol-modern-store-locator-circle.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module OLModernStoreLocatorCircle  * @requires WPGMZA.ModernStoreLocatorCircle  */ (function($) { 	 	WPGMZA.OLModernStoreLocatorCircle = function(map, settings) 	{, map, settings); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype = Object.create(WPGMZA.ModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype); 	WPGMZA.OLModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.constructor = WPGMZA.OLModernStoreLocatorCircle; 	 	WPGMZA.OLModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.initCanvasLayer = function() 	{ 		var self = this; 		var mapElement = $(; 		var olViewportElement = mapElement.children(".ol-viewport"); 		 		this.canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); 		this.canvas.className = "wpgmza-ol-canvas-overlay"; 		mapElement.append(this.canvas); 		 		this.renderFunction = function(event) { 			 			if(self.canvas.width != olViewportElement.width() || self.canvas.height != olViewportElement.height()) 			{ 				self.canvas.width = olViewportElement.width(); 				self.canvas.height = olViewportElement.height(); 				 				$(this.canvas).css({ 					width: olViewportElement.width() + "px", 					height: olViewportElement.height() + "px" 				}); 			} 			 			self.draw(); 		};"postrender", this.renderFunction); 	}  	WPGMZA.OLModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.getContext = function(type) 	{ 		return this.canvas.getContext(type); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.getCanvasDimensions = function() 	{ 		return { 			width: this.canvas.width, 			height: this.canvas.height 		}; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.getCenterPixels = function() 	{ 		var center =; 		 		return center; 	} 		 	WPGMZA.OLModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.getWorldOriginOffset = function() 	{ 		return { 			x: 0, 			y: 0 		}; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.getTransformedRadius = function(km) 	{ 		var center = new WPGMZA.LatLng(; 		var outer = new WPGMZA.LatLng(center); 		 		outer.moveByDistance(km, 90); 		 		var centerPixels =; 		var outerPixels =; 		 		return Math.abs(outerPixels.x - centerPixels.x);  		if(!window.testMarker){ 			window.testMarker = WPGMZA.Marker.createInstance({ 				position: outer 			}); 			WPGMZA.maps[0].addMarker(window.testMarker); 		} 		 		return 100; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.getScale = function() 	{ 		return 1; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLModernStoreLocatorCircle.prototype.destroy = function() 	{ 		$(this.canvas).remove();"postrender", this.renderFunction); = null; 		this.canvas = null; 	} 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/open-layers/ol-modern-store-locator.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module OLModernStoreLocator  * @requires WPGMZA.ModernStoreLocator  */ (function($) { 	 	WPGMZA.OLModernStoreLocator = function(map_id) 	{ 		var element;, map_id); 		 		if(WPGMZA.isProVersion()) 			element = $(".wpgmza_map[data-map-id='" + map_id + "']"); 		else 			element = $("#wpgmza_map"); 		 		element.append(this.element); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLModernStoreLocator.prototype = Object.create(WPGMZA.ModernStoreLocator); 	WPGMZA.OLModernStoreLocator.prototype.constructor = WPGMZA.OLModernStoreLocator; 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/open-layers/ol-polygon.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module OLPolygon  * @requires WPGMZA.Polygon  * @pro-requires WPGMZA.ProPolygon  */ (function($) { 	 	var Parent; 	 	WPGMZA.OLPolygon = function(row, olFeature) 	{ 		var self = this;, row, olFeature); 		 		this.olStyle = new; 		 		if(olFeature) 		{ 			this.olFeature = olFeature; 		} 		else 		{ 			var coordinates = [[]]; 			 			if(row && row.points) 			{ 				var paths = this.parseGeometry(row.points); 				 				for(var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) 					coordinates[0].push(ol.proj.fromLonLat([ 						parseFloat(paths[i].lng), 						parseFloat(paths[i].lat) 					])); 				 				this.olStyle = new; 			} 			 			this.olFeature = new ol.Feature({ 				geometry: new ol.geom.Polygon(coordinates) 			}); 		} 		 		this.layer = new ol.layer.Vector({ 			source: new ol.source.Vector({ 				features: [this.olFeature] 			}), 			style: this.olStyle 		}); 		 		this.layer.getSource().getFeatures()[0].setProperties({ 			wpgmzaPolygon: this 		}); 	} 	 	if(WPGMZA.isProVersion()) 		Parent = WPGMZA.ProPolygon; 	else 		Parent = WPGMZA.Polygon; 	 	WPGMZA.OLPolygon.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype); 	WPGMZA.OLPolygon.prototype.constructor = WPGMZA.OLPolygon;  	WPGMZA.OLPolygon.prototype.getStyleFromSettings = function() 	{ 		var params = {}; 				 		if(this.settings.strokeOpacity) 			params.stroke = new{ 				color: WPGMZA.hexOpacityToRGBA(this.settings.strokeColor, this.settings.strokeOpacity) 			}); 		 		if(this.settings.fillOpacity) 			params.fill = new{ 				color: WPGMZA.hexOpacityToRGBA(this.settings.fillColor, this.settings.fillOpacity) 			}); 			 		return params; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLPolygon.prototype.updateStyleFromSettings = function() 	{ 		// Re-create the style - working on it directly doesn't cause a re-render 		var params = this.getStyleFromSettings(); 		this.olStyle = new; 		this.layer.setStyle(this.olStyle); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLPolygon.prototype.setEditable = function(editable) 	{ 		 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLPolygon.prototype.toJSON = function() 	{ 		var result =; 		var coordinates = this.olFeature.getGeometry().getCoordinates()[0]; 		 		result.points = []; 		 		for(var i = 0; i < coordinates.length; i++) 		{ 			var lonLat = ol.proj.toLonLat(coordinates[i]); 			var latLng = { 				lat: lonLat[1], 				lng: lonLat[0] 			}; 			result.points.push(latLng); 		} 		 		return result; 	} 	 })(jQuery);  // js/v8/open-layers/ol-polyline.js /**  * @namespace WPGMZA  * @module OLPolyline  * @requires WPGMZA.Polyline  */ (function($) { 	 	var Parent; 	 	WPGMZA.OLPolyline = function(row, olFeature) 	{ 		var self = this;, row); 		 		this.olStyle = new; 		 		if(olFeature) 		{ 			this.olFeature = olFeature; 		} 		else 		{ 			var coordinates = []; 			 			if(row && row.points) 			{ 				var path = this.parseGeometry(row.points); 				 				for(var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) 					coordinates.push(ol.proj.fromLonLat([ 						parseFloat(path[i].lng), 						parseFloat(path[i].lat) 					])); 			} 			 			var params = this.getStyleFromSettings(); 			this.olStyle = new; 			 			this.olFeature = new ol.Feature({ 				geometry: new ol.geom.LineString(coordinates) 			}); 		} 		 		this.layer = new ol.layer.Vector({ 			source: new ol.source.Vector({ 				features: [this.olFeature] 			}), 			style: this.olStyle 		}); 		 		this.layer.getSource().getFeatures()[0].setProperties({ 			wpgmzaPolyling: this 		}); 	} 	 	Parent = WPGMZA.Polyline; 		 	WPGMZA.OLPolyline.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype); 	WPGMZA.OLPolyline.prototype.constructor = WPGMZA.OLPolyline; 	 	WPGMZA.OLPolyline.prototype.getStyleFromSettings = function() 	{ 		var params = {}; 		 		if(this.settings.strokeOpacity) 			params.stroke = new{ 				color: WPGMZA.hexOpacityToRGBA(this.settings.strokeColor, this.settings.strokeOpacity), 				width: parseInt(this.settings.strokeWeight) 			}); 			 		return params; 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLPolyline.prototype.updateStyleFromSettings = function() 	{ 		// Re-create the style - working on it directly doesn't cause a re-render 		var params = this.getStyleFromSettings(); 		this.olStyle = new; 		this.layer.setStyle(this.olStyle); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLPolyline.prototype.setEditable = function(editable) 	{ 		 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLPolyline.prototype.setPoints = function(points) 	{ 		if(this.olFeature) 			this.layer.getSource().removeFeature(this.olFeature); 		 		var coordinates = []; 		 		for(var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) 			coordinates.push(ol.proj.fromLonLat([ 				parseFloat(points[i].lng), 				parseFloat(points[i].lat) 			])); 		 		this.olFeature = new ol.Feature({ 			geometry: new ol.geom.LineString(coordinates) 		}); 		 		this.layer.getSource().addFeature(this.olFeature); 	} 	 	WPGMZA.OLPolyline.prototype.toJSON = function() 	{ 		var result =; 		var coordinates = this.olFeature.getGeometry().getCoordinates(); 		 		result.points = []; 		 		for(var i = 0; i < coordinates.length; i++) 		{ 			var lonLat = ol.proj.toLonLat(coordinates[i]); 			var latLng = { 				lat: lonLat[1], 				lng: lonLat[0] 			}; 			result.points.push(latLng); 		} 		 		return result; 	} 	 })(jQuery);            

Google Maps Markerlabel This.draw Is Not a Function
